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Saving and Restoring Document JScript Cookie Information


EOE Change Guest Name / Skift gæstenavn

If you made a mistake or if you had selected the "Cancel" button or if you didn't enter anything when you were asked to "Enter your first name" then you can correct it, by choosing Change Your Guest Name (dialogue only accessible in English). / Hvis man begik en fejl, eller hvis man har valgt "Annuller" -knappen, eller hvis man ikke skrev noget, da man blev bedt om at "Indtast dit fornavn", så kan man rette det ved at vælge Skift dit gæstenavn (dialog kun tilgængelig på engelsk).

Use of cookies / Brug af cookies

- or use the button below! / - eller brug knappen nedenfor!


- or use one of these graphics buttons below! / - eller brug en af disse grafiske knapper nedenfor!

Modify / Aendre (forandre)

Modify / Aendre (forandre)

Modify / Aendre (forandre)

... perhaps with one of these texts: / ... måske med en af disse tekster:

Tip Text 1: / Tip tekst 1: Modify / Ændre (forandre) [Modify / Aendre (forandre)]

Tip Text 2: / Tip tekst 2: Correct / Ret

Tip Text 3: / Tip tekst 3: Edit / Rediger

Tip Text 4: / Tip tekst 4: Change / Skift


Specification from December 12, 1996

Property. String value of a cookie, which is a small piece of information stored by the Navigator in the cookies.txt file.



Property of


Implemented in

Navigator 2.0




Use string methods such as substring, charAt, indexOf, and lastIndexOf to determine the value stored in the cookie. See the Appendix D, "Netscape cookies" for a complete specification of the cookie syntax.

You can set the cookie property at any time.

The "expires=" component in the cookie file sets an expiration date for the cookie, so it persists beyond the current browser session. This date string is formatted as follows:


This format represents the following values:

For example, a valid cookie expiration date is

expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT

The cookie date format is the same as the date returned by toGMTString, with the following exceptions:


The following function uses the cookie property to record a reminder for users of an application. The cookie expiration date is set to one day after the date of the reminder.

function RecordReminder(time, expression) {
   // Record a cookie of the form "@<T>=<E>" to map
   // from <T> in milliseconds since the epoch,
   // returned by Date.getTime(), onto an encoded expression,
   // <E> (encoded to contain no white space, semicolon,
   // or comma characters)
   document.cookie = "@" + time + "=" + expression + ";"
   // set the cookie expiration time to one day
   // beyond the reminder time
   document.cookie += "expires=" + cookieDate(time + 24*60*60*1000)
   // cookieDate is a function that formats the date
   // according to the cookie spec 

Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.

Expiration Date

Specification from 1997


The expires attribute specifies a date string that defines the valid life time of that cookie. Once the expiration date has been reached, the cookie will no longer be stored or given out.

The date string is formatted as:


This is based on RFC 822, RFC 850, RFC 1036, and RFC 1123, with the variations that the only legal time zone is GMT and the separators between the elements of the date must be dashes.

expires is an optional attribute. If not specified, the cookie will expire when the user's session ends.

Note: There is a bug in Netscape Navigator version 1.1 and earlier. Only cookies whose path attribute is set explicitly to "/" will be properly saved between sessions if they have an expires attribute.

Preliminary Specification - Use with caution.


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