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Change Case / Store/små bogstaver
Description: This is a collection of functions for use with JavaScript which Change Case of selected western characters in text etcetera among other things 'Sentence case', 'Title Case', and 'Invert (Toggle) Case'. / Beskrivelse: Dette er en samling af funktioner til brug med JavaScript som ændrer Store/små bogstaver af markerede vestlige tegn i tekst og så videre blandt andet 'Første bogstav i sætning med stort', 'Alle ord med stort begyndelsesbogstav' og 'Ombyt store og små bogstaver'.
Overview - Function(s)... / Oversigt - Funktion(er)...
Developed and tested under browser(s): Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8.x. / Udviklet og testet under browser(e): Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8.x.
of your HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document. /
af dit HTML (HyperText Markup Language) dokument.
<!-- Beginning of JavaScript Applet and hide from old browsers -----
var i; // Iterator for loops.
var genRandNo; // Stores Generated random number.
// The RandomNumberGenerator (RNG) with the function
// 'NextRandomNumber()' and the function
// 'RandomNumberGenerator()' is an implementation of
// the Park-Miller algorithm. (See 'Random Number Generators: Good
// Ones Are Hard to Find', by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller,
// Communications of the ACM, 31(10):1192-1201, 1988.) The JScript
// version was written by David N. Smith of IBM's T. J. Watson
// Research Center. Mr. Smith notes that his version has not been
// subjected to the rigorous testing required of a mission-critical RNG.
// This RNG is implemented as an object. To use it, you create an
// instance of the object and then invoke its 'next()' method to
// return a number. Each call to the 'next()' method returns a new
// random number. To convert this number to an integer between
// a lower range number and an upper range number with both numbers
// included use the function 'random(lrn, urn)'.
// The 'RandomNumberGenerator()' constructor uses the system time,
// in minutes and seconds, to 'seed' itself, that is, to create the
// initial values from which it will generate a sequence of numbers.
// If you are familiar with random number generators, you might have
// reason to use some other value for the seed. Otherwise, you should
// probably not change it.
// You might have noticed that JScript's Math object includes
// a built-in random() method. The version presented here should
// work as well as, if not better than, the built-in implementations,
// and will work uniformly on all platforms.
function NextRandomNumber() {
var hi = this.seed / this.Q;
var lo = this.seed % this.Q;
var test = this.A * lo - this.R * hi;
if (test > 0)
this.seed = test;
this.seed = test + this.M;
return (this.seed * this.oneOverM);
function RandomNumberGenerator() {
var d = new Date();
this.seed = 2345678901 +
(d.getSeconds() * 0xFFFFFF) +
(d.getMinutes() * 0xFFFF);
this.A = 48271;
this.M = 2147483647;
this.Q = this.M / this.A;
this.R = this.M % this.A;
this.oneOverM = 1.0 / this.M;
this.next = NextRandomNumber;
return this;
function random(lrn, urn) {
// Return a generated random number (Integer from 'LowerRangeNumber' and up to 'UpperRangeNumber'; both numbers included).
// Random LowerRange Number (lrn).
// Random UpperRange Number (urn).
// return Math.round((urn - lrn + 1) * rand.next() + lrn);
return Math.floor((urn - lrn + 1) * rand.next() + lrn);
var rand = new RandomNumberGenerator(); // Implement the RandomNumberGenerator (RNG) as an object.
genRandNo = rand.next(); // Generate random number (Fraction between 0 and 1; for example 0.2755983265971 or something similar).
//genRandNo = random(0, 1); // Generate random number (Integer from 'LowerRangeNumber' and up to 'UpperRangeNumber'; both numbers included).
function doRandomCase(inputString) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text cased at random.
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
for (var i=0; i<inputString.length; i++) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
genRandNo = rand.next(); // Generate random number (Fraction between 0 and 1; for example 0.2755983265971 or something similar).
if ( genRandNo < 0.5 ) {
newString += sCharacter.toLowerCase();
} else {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
return (newString);
function isWhitespace(ch) {
// Validates the character passed to the function.
// Returns a Boolean value - if found: true (1) else false (0).
// This Function recognizes these following characters
// as whitespace characters or separators (using the 'escape
// character' - An escape character enables you to output
// characters you wouldn't normally be able to, usually because
// the browser will interpret it differently to what you intended.
// In JavaScript, the backslash (\) is an escape character.):
// ' ' : matches space
// '\n': matches linefeed
// '\r': matches carriage return
// '\t': matches horizontal tab
// '\f': matches form-feed
// '\v': matches vertical tab
// '\b': matches backspace
// Whitespace is usually defined as blank, or space, characters, and
// tabs. It may also include carriage returns and linefeeds, as well
// as certain other nondisplaying characters.
// NotInUse: ch == '\v' ||
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\f' ||
ch == '\b')
return true;
return false;
function isDelimiter(ch) {
// Validates the character passed to the function.
// Returns a Boolean value - if found: true (1) else false (0).
// Delimiter characters. Common delimiters include commas, forward
// or backward slashes, periods, and so on.
if (ch == ',' || ch == '?' || ch == '-' || ch == '.' ||
ch == '\\' || ch == '/' || ch == ';' || ch == ':' ||
ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '|' || ch == '+' ||
ch == '&' || ch == '%' || ch == '!' || ch == '\"' ||
ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' ||
ch == '=' || ch == '<' || ch == '>')
return true;
return false;
function isDelimiter2(ch) {
// Validates the character passed to the function.
// Returns a Boolean value - if found: true (1) else false (0).
// Delimiter characters. Common delimiters include commas, forward
// or backward slashes, periods, and so on.
if (ch == '!' || ch == '?' || ch == '.')
return true;
return false;
function isDelimiterNumber(ch) {
// Validates the character passed to the function.
// Returns a Boolean value - if found: true (1) else false (0).
// Delimiter characters. Common delimiters include commas, forward
// or backward slashes, periods, and so on.
ch = "" + ch; // Force number to a string.
if (ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3' || ch == '4' ||
ch == '5' || ch == '6' || ch == '7' || ch == '8' ||
ch == '9' || ch == '0')
return true;
return false;
function doSentenceCase(inputString) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text sentenced (first character of each selected text
// sentence upper case and the rest lower case).
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
var sCharacterPrevious = '';
var sCharacterSecondPrevious = '';
for (var i=0; i<inputString.length; i++) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( i == 0 ) {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else if ( i == 1 ) {
sCharacterPrevious = inputString.charAt(i-1);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacterPrevious) || isDelimiter2(sCharacterPrevious) ) {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else {
newString += sCharacter.toLowerCase();
} else {
sCharacterPrevious = inputString.charAt(i-1);
sCharacterSecondPrevious = inputString.charAt(i-2);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacterPrevious) && sCharacterPrevious != ' ') {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else if ( sCharacterPrevious == ' ' && isDelimiter2(sCharacterSecondPrevious) ){
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else {
newString += sCharacter.toLowerCase();
return (newString);
function doCapitalize(inputString) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text capitalized.
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
var sCharacterPrevious = '';
for (var i=0; i<inputString.length; i++) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( i == 0 ) {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else {
sCharacterPrevious = inputString.charAt(i-1);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacterPrevious) || isDelimiter(sCharacterPrevious) || isDelimiterNumber(sCharacterPrevious) ) {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else {
newString += sCharacter.toLowerCase();
return (newString);
function doInvertCase(inputString) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text inverted (toggled).
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
for (var i=0; i<inputString.length; i++) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( sCharacter.toLowerCase() == sCharacter ) {
newString += sCharacter.toUpperCase();
} else {
newString += sCharacter.toLowerCase();
return (newString);
function doReverseString(inputString) {
// Function to reverse all characters in a string.
var newString = '';
for (var i=(inputString.length - 1); i>=0; i--) {
newString += inputString.charAt(i);
return (newString);
function doReverseString2ndVersion(inputString) {
// Function to reverse all characters in a string. Second Version.
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
var inword = false; // Stores state for 'InWord' - Boolean value.
var word = '';
var len = inputString.length;
for (var i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacter) || isDelimiter(sCharacter) ) {
if (inword) {
//alert("Alert 1: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
newString += sCharacter;
} else {
word += sCharacter;
inword = true;
if ( (i - 1 == -1) && inword ) {
//alert("Alert 2: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
return (newString);
function doReverseWords(inputString) {
// Function to reverse the words in a string.
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
var inword = false; // Stores state for 'InWord' - Boolean value.
var word = '';
var len = inputString.length;
for (var i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacter) || isDelimiter(sCharacter) ) {
if (inword) {
//alert("Alert 1: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
word = doReverseString(word); // Reverse all characters in a string.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
newString += sCharacter;
} else {
word += sCharacter;
inword = true;
if ( (i - 1 == -1) && inword ) {
//alert("Alert 2: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
word = doReverseString(word); // Reverse all characters in a string.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
return (newString);
function doReverseOnlyWords(inputString) {
// Function to reverse only the words in a string.
var newString = '';
var sCharacter = '';
var inword = false; // Stores state for 'InWord' - Boolean value.
var word = '';
var len = inputString.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
sCharacter = inputString.charAt(i);
if ( isWhitespace(sCharacter) || isDelimiter(sCharacter) ) {
if (inword) {
//alert("Alert 1: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
word = doReverseString(word); // Reverse all characters in a string.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
newString += sCharacter;
} else {
word += sCharacter;
inword = true;
if ( (i + 1 == len) && inword ) {
//alert("Alert 2: " + word); // Only for the purpose of debugging.
word = doReverseString(word); // Reverse all characters in a string.
newString += word;
word = '';
inword = false;
return (newString);
function ReplaceString(BigString, NewReplaceString, OldReplaceString) {
// Replaces the string 'OldReplaceString' through the String 'NewReplaceString' in the String
// 'BigString'.
var i; // Iterator for loops.
var OldReplLen; // Length of 'OldReplaceString' - Numerical (integer) value.
var BigLen; // Length of 'BigString' - Numerical (integer) value.
if (NewReplaceString != OldReplaceString) {
OldReplLen = OldReplaceString.length;
i = 0;
while (i != -1) {
BigLen = BigString.length;
i = BigString.indexOf(OldReplaceString,i); // Search down a string from left to right until finding a string fragment matching the specified value. The index of the first character of the matching string is returned.
if (i != -1) {
BigString = BigString.substring(0,i) + NewReplaceString + BigString.substring(i + OldReplLen,BigLen);
i = i + NewReplaceString.length;
return (BigString);
function ReplaceStringExpanded(BigString, NewReplaceString, OldReplaceString, Match_caseBoolean) {
// Replaces the string 'OldReplaceString' through the String 'NewReplaceString' in the String
// 'BigString' by finding text having the given pattern of uppercase and lowercase letters by
// specifying the search criteria for 'Match_caseBoolean' - a (boolean) numeric value
// of numeric '0' (False) or numeric '1' (True) [Default: true].
var i; // Iterator for loops.
var OldReplLen; // Length of 'OldReplaceString' - Numerical (integer) value.
var BigLen; // Length of 'BigString' - Numerical (integer) value.
var tmpBigStr; // Temporary text of 'BigString'.
var tmpOldReplaceStr; // Temporary text of 'OldReplaceString'.
if (Match_caseBoolean == true) {
// True (1).
tmpBigStr = BigString;
tmpOldReplaceStr = OldReplaceString;
} else {
// False (0).
tmpBigStr = BigString.toLowerCase();
tmpOldReplaceStr = OldReplaceString.toLowerCase();
if (NewReplaceString != OldReplaceString) {
OldReplLen = OldReplaceString.length;
i = 0;
while (i != -1) {
BigLen = BigString.length;
i = tmpBigStr.indexOf(tmpOldReplaceStr,i); // Search down a string from left to right until finding a string fragment matching the specified value. The index of the first character of the matching string is returned.
if (i != -1) {
tmpBigStr = tmpBigStr.substring(0,i) + NewReplaceString + tmpBigStr.substring(i + OldReplLen,BigLen);
BigString = BigString.substring(0,i) + NewReplaceString + BigString.substring(i + OldReplLen,BigLen);
i = i + NewReplaceString.length;
return (BigString);
function changeCharInString(inputString, removeChar, insertChar) {
// Function to change (remove) a character from all places in
// a string where it occurs with an other character (or nothing).
var newString = "";
for (i=0; i<inputString.length; i++) {
if ( inputString.charAt(i) != removeChar ) {
newString += inputString.charAt(i);
} else {
newString += insertChar;
return (newString);
function doRemoveExtraInternalSpaces(Text) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text with extra internal spaces removed.
var tempTxt = Text;
while ( (tempTxt.length > 0) && (tempTxt.indexOf(" ",0) != -1) ){
tempTxt = ReplaceString(tempTxt, " ", " ");
return (tempTxt);
function doRemoveExtraInternalUnderscores(Text) {
// This function assumes it's passed a text, and returns
// the text with extra internal underscores removed.
var tempTxt = Text;
while ( (tempTxt.length > 0) && (tempTxt.indexOf("__",0) != -1) ){
tempTxt = ReplaceString(tempTxt, "_", "__");
return (tempTxt);
// - End of JavaScript code and done hiding -->
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