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HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa. / HTML tag (billede) 'img' attribut: 'alt' til 'title', og omvendt.
Description: Process a HTML document to add image attribute 'alt' to 'title'. / Beskrivelse: Behandel et HTML-dokument for at tilføje billed attributten 'alt' til 'title'.
This program is being run under WSCRIPT. / Dette program køres under WSCRIPT.
Always work on a copy of the original file(s)! / Arbejd altid på en kopi af den (de) oprindelige fil(er)!
The quick and easy way to add 'alt' and 'title' attributes to HTML image 'img' tags - perfect for instantly restoring missing tooltips in the latest Internet browsers. If you as a web developer have created web pages that contain HTML image 'img' tags without an 'alt' attribute or more likely a 'title' attribute this script is for you. / Den hurtige og nemme måde at tilføje 'alt' og 'title' attributter til HTML billede 'img' tags - perfekt til straks at genoprette manglende værktøjstip i de nyeste internetbrowsere. Hvis du, som web-udvikler, har oprettet websider, der indeholder HTML billede 'img' tags uden en 'alt' attribut eller mere sandsynligt en 'title' attribut, er dette skript for dig.
The 'title' attribute will provide a tooltip, 'alt' is also an important attribute, since it specifies text to be displayed if an image can't be displayed. / 'title' attributten vil vise et værktøjstip, 'alt' er også en vigtig attribut, da den angiver tekst, der skal vises, hvis et billede ikke kan vises.
If you in an image 'img' tag provide the attribute 'alt' this script will automatically create a 'title' attribute with the same value for you, and vice versa. / Hvis du i et billede 'img' tag tilvejebringer attributten 'alt', vil dette skript automatisk skabe en 'title' attribut med den samme værdi for dig, og vice versa.
The files to be processed and the file(s) created by this script will always be in the script's directory and the file(s) created by this script will have the same base name as the script. However the file(s) processed by this script will just be overwritten. / De filer, der skal behandles, og den (de) fil(er) skabt af dette skript vil altid være i skriptets mappe, og filen(erne) skabt af dette skript vil have det samme base navn som skriptet. Men den (de) fil(er), som behandles af dette skript vil bare blive overskrevet.
Overview - Function(s)... / Oversigt - Funktion(er)...
- and Sub procedure(s)... / - og Sub procedure(r)...
A sub procedure is used exactly the same way as a function, the only difference being that it doesn't return a value and therefore can't be used as part of an argument. Sub procedures are used by Visual Basic to provide event handling. / En sub procedure anvendes på nøjagtig samme måde som en funktion, den eneste forskel er, at den ikke returnerer en værdi, og derfor ikke kan bruges som en del af et argument. Sub procedurer anvendes af Visual Basic til at tilvejebringe begivenhed håndtering.
Developed and tested under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - Danish version. / Udviklet og testet under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - dansk version.
' All variables must be declared before use.
Option Explicit
' alttitle.vbs
' (- a VBScript which uses the root WSH (Windows Script Host) COM object "WScript")
' Author: Erik Oestergaard / Forfatter: Erik Oestergaard
' E-mail: http://www.erikoest.dk/contact.htm
' Homepage: http://www.erikoest.dk
' Licence: Free to use, but please share improvements.
' No warranty - use at own risk. / Licens: Fri brug, men del
' venligst forbedringer. Ingen garanti - brug paa eget ansvar.
' HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice
' versa. / HTML tag (billede) 'img' attribut: 'alt' til 'title',
' og omvendt.
' Process a HTML document to add image attribute 'alt' to 'title'. /
' Behandel et HTML-dokument for at tilfoeje billed attributten
' 'alt' til 'title'.
' This program is being run under WSCRIPT. / Dette program koeres
' under WSCRIPT.
' Always work on a copy of the original file(s)! / Arbejd altid
' paa en kopi af den (de) oprindelige fil(er)!
' The quick and easy way to add 'alt' and 'title' attributes to HTML
' image 'img' tags - perfect for instantly restoring missing tooltips
' in the latest Internet browsers. If you as a web developer have
' created web pages that contain HTML image 'img' tags without an
' 'alt' attribute or more likely a 'title' attribute this script is
' for you. / Den hurtige og nemme maade at tilfoeje 'alt' og 'title'
' attributter til HTML billede 'img' tags - perfekt til straks at
' genoprette manglende vaerktoejstip i de nyeste internetbrowsere.
' Hvis du, som web-udvikler, har oprettet websider, der indeholder
' HTML billede 'img' tags uden en 'alt' attribut eller mere
' sandsynligt en 'title' attribut, er dette skript for dig.
' The 'title' attribute will provide a tooltip, 'alt' is also an
' important attribute, since it specifies text to be displayed if
' an image can't be displayed. / 'title' attributten vil vise et
' vaerktoejstip, 'alt' er ogsaa en vigtig attribut, da den angiver
' tekst, der skal vises, hvis et billede ikke kan vises.
' If you in an image 'img' tag provide the attribute 'alt' this
' script will automatically create a 'title' attribute with the
' same value for you, and vice versa. / Hvis du i et billede
' 'img' tag tilvejebringer attributten 'alt', vil dette skript
' automatisk skabe en 'title' attribut med den samme vaerdi for
' dig, og vice versa.
' The files to be processed and the file(s) created by this script
' will always be in the script's directory and the file(s) created
' by this script will have the same base name as the script. However
' the file(s) processed by this script will just be overwritten. / De
' filer, der skal behandles, og den (de) fil(er) skabt af dette
' skript vil altid vaere i skriptets mappe, og filen(erne) skabt
' af dette skript vil have det samme base navn som skriptet. Men
' den (de) fil(er), som behandles af dette skript vil bare blive
' overskrevet.
' Installation in English: Copy 'alttitle.vbs' to an empty folder
' or directory. / Installation paa dansk: Kopier 'alttitle.vbs'
' til en tom mappe eller bibliotek.
' Use in English: Copy the files (with the file extensions 'htm',
' or 'html' and the attributes 'Normal', or 'Archive') you want to
' process to the same folder or directory. Run this 'alttitle.vbs'
' script (double-click the script file name). / Brug paa dansk: Kopier
' filerne (med filtypenavnene 'htm' eller 'html' og attributterne
' 'Normal' eller 'Arkiv') som du vil behandle til den samme mappe
' eller bibliotek. Koer 'alttitle.vbs' skriptet (dobbelt-klik paa
' skript filnavnet).
' Note: / Bemaerk:
' For that the HTML tag supported by this script can be processed
' by this script, the tag must start with '<img ' and end with '>'
' on the same line. The attribute 'alt' to match must start with
' 'alt="' and end with '"'. And, if present, the attribute 'title'
' to match must start with 'title="' and end with '"'. / For at
' HTML tag der understoettes af dette skript kan blive behandlet
' af dette skript, skal tag'et begynde med '<img ' og slutte med
' '>' paa den samme linie. Tilhoerende attribut 'alt' skal begynde
' med 'alt="' og slutte med '"'. Og, hvis den findes, tilhoerende
' attribut 'title' skal begynde med 'title="' og slutte med '"'.
' Furthermore, attribute 'alt' starting with 'alt='', 'alt=\"',
' or 'alt=\'' is not processed by this script. Applies equally
' to attribute 'title' starting with 'title='', 'title=\"', or
' 'title=\'' and other variants. / Yderligere er attributten 'alt'
' begyndende med 'alt='', 'alt=\"' eller 'alt=\'' ikke behandlet
' af dette skript. Gaelder tilsvarende for attributten 'title'
' begyndende med 'title='', 'title=\"' eller 'title=\'' og andre
' varianter.
' Likewise, the tags 'input' and 'area' which also can contain
' an 'alt' and/or 'title' attribute is not processed by this
' script. / Ligeledes bliver tag'ene 'input' og 'area', som ogsaa
' kan indeholde en 'alt' og/eller 'title' attribut, ikke behandlet
' af dette skript.
' More information: / Mere information:
' http://www.erikoest.dk/scba_006.htm
' Version 1.0 / Version 1.0
' Latest release: April 27, 2014 / Seneste
' udgave: 27. april 2014
' Define variables.
Dim intCounterFilesModified 'As Integer
Dim intCounterFilesNotModified 'As Integer
' Initialize variables.
intCounterFilesModified = 0
intCounterFilesNotModified = 0
Sub Main()
' Process HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fil, fils, fol
Dim strInputDirectory 'As String
Dim strInputFile 'As String
Dim strExtensions 'As String
Dim strExtension 'As String
Dim intCounter 'As Integer
Dim strMessageInfo 'As String
Dim f
Dim intFileAttributeValue 'As Integer
If Lcase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 11)) = "wscript.exe" Then
If MsgBox ("This program is being run under WSCRIPT. Always work on a copy of the original file(s)! Results will be stored in a log at " & Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "log" & ". Continue?", vbOkCancel, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa") = vbCancel Then Wscript.Quit
MsgBox "This program is being run under CSCRIPT. Run this program under WSCRIPT.", vbOKOnly, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa"
Exit Sub
End If
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strInputDirectory = fs.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
'MsgBox ("strInputDirectory = " & strInputDirectory) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
strExtensions = "htm, html" ' Source file extensions (comma delimited string/list) - Process what types of files?
If strExtensions = "" Then Exit Sub
'MsgBox ("Wscript.ScriptFullName = " & Wscript.ScriptFullName) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
Set fol = fs.GetFolder(fs.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName))
Set fils = fol.Files
intCounter = 0
strMessageInfo = ""
For Each fil In fils
For Each strExtension In Split(strExtensions, ",")
If Lcase(Mid(fil.Name, InStrRev(fil.Name, ".") + 1)) = Lcase(Trim(strExtension)) Then
'MsgBox ("fil.Name = " & fil.Name) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
strInputFile = strInputDirectory & "\" & fil.Name ' Full path and file name.
'MsgBox ("strInputFile = " & strInputFile) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Make sure we will be working with the long file name.
strInputFile = LongName(strInputFile)
'MsgBox ("strInputFile = " & strInputFile) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If fs.FileExists(strInputFile) Then
Set f = fs.GetFile(strInputFile)
' Attributes of files or folders:
' Constant Value Description
' Normal 0 Normal file. No attributes are set.
' ReadOnly 1 Read-only file. Attribute is read/write.
' Hidden 2 Hidden file. Attribute is read/write.
' System 4 System file. Attribute is read/write.
' Volume 8 Disk drive volume label. Attribute is read-only.
' Directory 16 Folder or directory. Attribute is read-only.
' Archive 32 File has changed since last backup. Attribute is read/write.
' Alias 1024 Link or shortcut. Attribute is read-only.
' Compressed 2048 Compressed file. Attribute is read-only.
intFileAttributeValue = f.Attributes
'MsgBox ("intFileAttributeValue = " & CStr(intFileAttributeValue)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Clean up.
Set f = Nothing
If intFileAttributeValue = 0 Or intFileAttributeValue = 32 Then
'MsgBox ("strInputFile = " & strInputFile) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("intFileAttributeValue = " & CStr(intFileAttributeValue)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
intCounter = intCounter + 1
End If
End If
Exit For
End If
' Clean up.
Set fils = Nothing
Set fol = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
' Message - info.
strMessageInfo = ""
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "Files processed: "
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & CStr(intCounter)
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & ", of this is "
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & CStr(intCounterFilesModified)
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & " "
If intCounterFilesModified = 1 Then
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "file"
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "files"
End If
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & " modified and "
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & CStr(intCounterFilesNotModified)
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & " "
If intCounterFilesNotModified = 1 Then
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "file"
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "files"
End If
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & " not modified"
strMessageInfo = strMessageInfo & "."
' Show result information.
'MsgBox strMessageInfo, vbOKOnly, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa"
WScript.Timeout = 10 : WScript.Echo strMessageInfo
End Sub
Sub processAlt2Title(strFile)
' Process File: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0
Dim fso, f, ts, theFile
Dim retstring 'As String
Dim processedretstring 'As String
Dim blnFileChanged 'As Boolean
blnFileChanged = False
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'MsgBox ("FileNameLikeMine(""tmp"") = " & FileNameLikeMine("tmp")) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
fso.CreateTextFile FileNameLikeMine("tmp") ' Create a file.
Set f = fso.GetFile(FileNameLikeMine("tmp"))
Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting, TristateUseDefault)
Set theFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading, False)
' The AtEndOfStream property applies only to TextStream files
' that are open for reading, otherwise, an error occurs.
Do While theFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
retstring = theFile.ReadLine
processedretstring = lineAlt2Title(retstring)
If retstring <> processedretstring Then
blnFileChanged = True
End If
If theFile.AtEndOfStream Then
ts.Write processedretstring & vbCrLf
'ts.Write processedretstring
ts.Write processedretstring & vbCrLf
End If
If blnFileChanged = True Then
intCounterFilesModified = intCounterFilesModified + 1
f.Copy (strFile) ' Copy a file. ' Overwrite the original file!
intCounterFilesNotModified = intCounterFilesNotModified + 1
End If
f.Delete ' Delete a file.
If blnFileChanged = True Then Write2Log(strFile)
' Clean up.
Set theFile = Nothing
Set ts = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Function lineAlt2Title(strLine) 'As String
' Process Line: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Const startOfTagStr = "<img " 'As String
Const endOfTagStr = ">" 'As String
Dim lineStr 'As String
Dim processedLineStr 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer ' Iterator for loops.
Dim CompareMode 'As Integer ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
Dim startPosInt 'As Integer
Dim posStartOfTagInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfTagInt 'As Integer
Dim foundNotPartOfTagStr 'As String
Dim foundTagStr 'As String
i = 0
CompareMode = 1 ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
lineStr = strLine ' Don't modify input variables.
processedLineStr = ""
startPosInt = 1 ' Important!
posStartOfTagInt = 0
posEndOfTagInt = 0
foundNotPartOfTagStr = ""
foundTagStr = ""
If IsNull(lineStr) = True Then
' Make sure of the variable value if 'nothing' is the contents of the input.
lineStr = ""
End If
If lineStr = "" Then
' The passed parameter (variable) must be a blank line and therefore...
' Do nothing.
processedLineStr = lineStr
lineAlt2Title = processedLineStr
Exit Function
End If
Do While startPosInt <= Len(lineStr)
' Don't get stuck because of an error made during the development of the code.
' Do not allow an infinite loop. / Tillad ikke en uendelig loekke.
' Stop the loop. ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'If MsgBox ("Do not allow an infinite loop." & " Continue the loop?", vbOkCancel, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa") = vbCancel Then Exit Do ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = ""
foundTagStr = ""
'MsgBox("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt) & "; Length of lineStr = " & CStr(Len(lineStr))) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' The found tag must start and end on the same line (fragment).
posStartOfTagInt = InStr(startPosInt, lineStr, startOfTagStr, CompareMode)
If posStartOfTagInt <> 0 Then
' Found start of tag.
posEndOfTagInt = InStr(posStartOfTagInt + (Len(startOfTagStr)), lineStr, endOfTagStr, CompareMode)
' Found no start of tag.
posEndOfTagInt = 0
End If
'MsgBox ("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt) & "; posStartOfTagInt = " & CStr(posStartOfTagInt) & "; posEndOfTagInt = " & CStr(posEndOfTagInt)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If posStartOfTagInt <> 0 And posEndOfTagInt <> 0 Then
' Found start and end of tag on the same line fragment.
'MsgBox ("foundNotPartOfTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (posStartOfTagInt - startPosInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("foundTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, posStartOfTagInt, (posEndOfTagInt + Len(endOfTagStr) - posStartOfTagInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (posStartOfTagInt - startPosInt))
foundTagStr = Mid(lineStr, posStartOfTagInt, (posEndOfTagInt + Len(endOfTagStr) - posStartOfTagInt))
' Found no start and end of tag on the same line fragment.
'MsgBox ("foundNotPartOfTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (Len(lineStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (Len(lineStr)))
End If
processedLineStr = processedLineStr + foundNotPartOfTagStr + tagAlt2Title(foundTagStr)
startPosInt = startPosInt + Len(foundNotPartOfTagStr) + Len(foundTagStr)
'MsgBox ("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("processedLineStr = " & processedLineStr) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
lineAlt2Title = processedLineStr
End Function
Function tagAlt2Title(strTag) 'As String
' Process Tag: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Const startOfTagStr = "<img " 'As String
Const endOfTagStr = ">" 'As String
Const startOfSrcAttbStr = " src=""" 'As String
Const endOfSrcAttbStr = """" 'As String
Const startOfAltAttbStr = " alt=""" 'As String
Const endOfAltAttbStr = """" 'As String
Const startOfTitleAttbStr = " title=""" 'As String
Const endOfTitleAttbStr = """" 'As String
Dim tagStr 'As String
Dim processedTagStr 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer ' Iterator for loops.
Dim CompareMode 'As Integer ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
Dim posStartOfSrcAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfSrcAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim srcAttbStr 'As String
Dim blnFoundSrcAttb 'As Boolean
Dim srcAttbFileNameStr 'As String
Dim foundAttbStr 'As String
Dim posStartOfAltAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfAltAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posStartOfTitleAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfTitleAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim altAttbStr 'As String
Dim titleAttbStr 'As String
Dim blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank 'As Boolean
Dim blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing 'As Boolean
Dim blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing 'As Boolean
i = 0
CompareMode = 1 ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
tagStr = strTag ' Don't modify input variables.
processedTagStr = ""
posStartOfSrcAttbInt = 0
posEndOfSrcAttbInt = 0
srcAttbStr = ""
blnFoundSrcAttb = False
srcAttbFileNameStr = ""
foundAttbStr = ""
posStartOfAltAttbInt = 0
posEndOfAltAttbInt = 0
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = 0
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = 0
altAttbStr = ""
titleAttbStr = ""
'**** Below here are the variables that can be edited by the user! ****
' User changeable option Start. / Bruger udskiftelig indstilling Start.
' Optionally use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both
' of these are existing and both of these are blank (False|True) [Default: False].
blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank = False
' Optionally add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are
' missing (False|True) [Default: True].
blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = True
' Optionally use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both
' of these are missing (False|True) [Default: False].
blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False
' User changeable option End. / Bruger udskiftelig indstilling Slut.
'**** Above here are the variables that can be edited by the user! ****
If IsNull(tagStr) = True Then
' Make sure of the variable value if 'nothing' is the contents of the input.
tagStr = ""
End If
If tagStr = "" Then
' The passed parameter (variable) must be blank and therefore...
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
Exit Function
End If
If Lcase(Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(startOfTagStr))) <> Lcase(startOfTagStr) _
Or Lcase(Mid(tagStr, Len(tagStr) - (Len(endOfTagStr) - 1), Len(endOfTagStr))) <> Lcase(endOfTagStr) _
Or InStr((1 + Len(startOfTagStr)), tagStr, startOfTagStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
' The passed tag must start and end the line and also be on the same line, and
' there must only be one tag at the line otherwise...
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
' Found Src Attribute.
blnFoundSrcAttb = True
posStartOfSrcAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfSrcAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfSrcAttbInt + (Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode)
srcAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfSrcAttbInt + Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)), (posEndOfSrcAttbInt - (posStartOfSrcAttbInt + Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("srcAttbStr = " & "§" & srcAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Found No Src Attribute.
blnFoundSrcAttb = False
srcAttbStr = ""
End If
If InStrRev(srcAttbStr, "/") Then
' Get Src Attribute file name consisting of 'filename.extension'.
srcAttbFileNameStr = CStr(Mid(srcAttbStr, (InStrRev(srcAttbStr, "/") + 1), Len(srcAttbStr)))
' Src Attribute file name consisting of 'filename.extension'.
srcAttbFileNameStr = srcAttbStr
End If
'MsgBox ("srcAttbFileNameStr = " & "§" & srcAttbFileNameStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundOnlyAltAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundOnlyTitleAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundAltAndTitleAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundNoAltAndTitleAttb")
End If
Select Case Lcase(foundAttbStr)
Case "foundonlyaltattb"
' Found Only Alt Attribute.
' Use value of Alt Attribute to Title Attribute.
posStartOfAltAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfAltAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfAltAttbInt + (Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
altAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), (posEndOfAltAttbInt - (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("altAttbStr = " & "§" & altAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfAltAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & altAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfAltAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfAltAttbInt))
Case "foundonlytitleattb"
' Found Only Title Attribute.
' Use value of Title Attribute to Alt Attribute.
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfTitleAttbInt + (Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
titleAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("titleAttbStr = " & "§" & titleAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt), Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & titleAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt), Len(tagStr))
Case "foundaltandtitleattb"
' Found Alt And Title Attribute.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are existing and both of these are blank.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are existing and both of these are blank.
posStartOfAltAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfAltAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfAltAttbInt + (Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
altAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), (posEndOfAltAttbInt - (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("altAttbStr = " & "§" & altAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfTitleAttbInt + (Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
titleAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("titleAttbStr = " & "§" & titleAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If altAttbStr = "" And titleAttbStr = "" Then
' Alt Attribute and Title Attribute are both blank.
If posStartOfAltAttbInt < posStartOfTitleAttbInt Then
' Occurrence order: / Forekomst raekkefoelge: Alt Attribute - Title Attribute.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - posEndOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 3 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt - 1)) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - posEndOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr))) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, Len(tagStr))
' Occurrence order: / Forekomst raekkefoelge: Title Attribute - Alt Attribute.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, (posStartOfAltAttbInt - posEndOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 3 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, (posStartOfAltAttbInt - posEndOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr))) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, Len(tagStr))
End If
' Alt Attribute and Title Attribute are both NOT blank.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
End If
End If
Case "foundnoaltandtitleattb"
' Found No Alt And Title Attribute.
If blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
' Do add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
If blnFoundSrcAttb = True Then
' Src Attribute was found.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt))
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt))
End If
' No Src Attribute was found.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))))
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))))
End If
End If
End If
Case Else
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
End Select
'MsgBox ("processedTagStr = " & processedTagStr) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
End Function
Sub Write2Log(strText)
' Write to log file.
Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim ts 'As Scripting.TextStream
Const ForAppending = 8
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'MsgBox ("Wscript.ScriptFullName & ""log"" = " & Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "log") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "log", ForAppending, True)
ts.Write("Time Stamp: " _
& "" & Now & " " _
& "Processed file: " _
& "" & strText & " " _
& "" & vbCrLf)
' Clean up.
Set ts = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
Function FileNameLikeMine(strFileExtension) 'As String
' Returns a file name the same as the script name except
' for the file extension.
Dim fs 'As Object
Dim strExtension 'As String
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strExtension = strFileExtension ' Don't modify input variables.
If Len(strExtension) < 1 Then strExtension = "txt"
If strExtension = "." Then strExtension = "txt"
If Left(strExtension, 1) = "." Then strExtension = Mid(strExtension, 2)
FileNameLikeMine = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & strExtension
'MsgBox ("FileNameLikeMine = " & FileNameLikeMine) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Clean up.
Set fs = Nothing
End Function
Function LongName(strFullPathAndFile) 'As String
' Converts a legitimate short file name into the long file name.
Dim strOriginalFile 'As String
Dim fs, fil, fils, fol
Dim blnFound 'As Boolean
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
blnFound = False
strOriginalFile = fs.GetFile(strFullPathAndFile).ShortPath
Set fol = fs.GetFolder(fs.GetParentFolderName(strFullPathAndFile))
Set fils = fol.Files
For Each fil In fils
If fil.ShortPath = strOriginalFile Then
strOriginalFile = fil.Path
blnFound = True
Exit For
End If
If blnFound Then
LongName = strOriginalFile
LongName = strFullPathAndFile
End If
'MsgBox ("LongName = " & LongName) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Clean up.
Set fils = Nothing
Set fol = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Function
Function doBeep(iTimes)
'# FUNCTION.......: doBeep()
'# ARGUMENTS......: iTimes = the number of times the computer will beep.
'# PURPOSE........: Causes the computer's internal speaker to beep. On
'# some systems the beep will be executed from the actual
'# speakers.
'# EXAMPLE........: doBeep("7")
'# NOTES..........: This was surprisingly hard to figure out, yet highly
'# useful. There is a timing issue, the script will
'# execute the beeps faster than the speaker can make
'# individual noises.
' Define variables.
Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim iTemp 'As Integer ' Iterator for loops.
For iTemp = 1 To CInt(iTimes) Step 1
oShell.Run "%comspec% /c echo " & Chr(7), 0, False
Wscript.Sleep 300
' Clean up.
Set oShell = Nothing
End Function
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
Simple word processor: / Simpel tekstbehandlerprogram:
/ alttitle.vbs
to the saved file .txt
til den gemte fil
Note: / Bemærk:
For that the HTML tag supported by this script can be processed by this script, the tag must start with '
' and end with '>
' on the same line. The attribute 'alt' to match must start with 'alt="
' and end with '"
'. And, if present, the attribute 'title' to match must start with 'title="
' and end with '"
'. /
For at HTML tag der understøttes af dette skript kan blive behandlet af dette skript, skal tag'et begynde med '<img
' og slutte med '>
' på den samme linie. Tilhørende attribut 'alt' skal begynde med 'alt="
' og slutte med '"
'. Og, hvis den findes, tilhørende attribut 'title' skal begynde med 'title="
' og slutte med '"
Furthermore, attribute 'alt' starting with '
', 'alt=\"
', or 'alt=\'
' is not processed by this script. Applies equally to attribute 'title' starting with 'title='
', 'title=\"
', or 'title=\'
' and other variants. /
Yderligere er attributten 'alt' begyndende med 'alt='
', 'alt=\"
' eller 'alt=\'
' ikke behandlet af dette skript. Gælder tilsvarende for attributten 'title' begyndende med 'title='
', 'title=\"
' eller 'title=\'
' og andre varianter.
Likewise, the tags 'input' and 'area' which also can contain an 'alt' and/or 'title' attribute is not processed by this script. /
Ligeledes bliver tag'ene 'input' og 'area', som også kan indeholde en 'alt' og/eller 'title' attribut, ikke behandlet af dette skript.
Other Features: / Andre funktioner:
In the function "tagAlt2Title" in the sectíon "User changeable option" is it possible
to... /
I funktionen "tagAlt2Title" i afsnittet "Bruger udskiftelig indstilling" er det muligtat...
- Optionally use value of Src attribute to Alt attribute and Title attribute if both of these are existing and both of these are blank (False|True) [Default: False]. /
Valgfrit brug værdien af Src attributten til Alt attributten og Title attributten hvis begge disse eksisterer og begge disse er tomme (False|True) [Standard: False].
- Optionally add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing (False|True) [Default: True]. /
Valgfrit tilføj Alt attribut og Title attribut hvis begge disse mangler (False|True) [Standard: True].- Optionally use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing (False|True) [Default: False]. /
Valgfrit brug værdien af Src attributten til Alt attributten og Title attributten hvis begge disse mangler (False|True) [Standard: False].
to... ) / (Hvordan... )
(Just change the value right after the equal sign from True to False, and vice versa.) /
(Bare ændre værdien lige efter lighedstegnet fra sand 'True' til falsk 'False' og omvendt.)
You can download a version of the source code from my Download page here: / Du kan downloade en version af kildekoden fra min Download side her:
[VBS] Download "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa" 'alttitle.vbs' for VBScript & WSH COM object "WScript": alttitle.zip / [VBS] Download "HTML tag (billede) 'img' attribut: 'alt' til 'title', og omvendt" 'alttitle.vbs' for VBScript & WSH COM objekt "WScript": alttitle.zip
When developing this script the functions 'lineAlt2Title' and 'tagAlt2Title' have been developed and tested in the files 'lineAlt2Title.vbs' and 'tagAlt2Title.vbs' respectively. These files have been included so you can use these files to safely and easily test the functions. /
Ved udviklingen af dette script er funktionerne 'lineAlt2Title' og 'tagAlt2Title' blevet udviklet og testet i filerne 'lineAlt2Title.vbs' og 'tagAlt2Title.vbs' henholdsvis. Disse filer er medtaget så man kan bruge disse filer til sikkert og nemt at teste funktionerne.
Overview - Function(s)... / Oversigt - Funktion(er)...
- and Sub procedure(s)... / - og Sub procedure(r)...
A sub procedure is used exactly the same way as a function, the only difference being that it doesn't return a value and therefore can't be used as part of an argument. Sub procedures are used by Visual Basic to provide event handling. / En sub procedure anvendes på nøjagtig samme måde som en funktion, den eneste forskel er, at den ikke returnerer en værdi, og derfor ikke kan bruges som en del af et argument. Sub procedurer anvendes af Visual Basic til at tilvejebringe begivenhed håndtering.
Developed and tested under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - Danish version. / Udviklet og testet under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - dansk version.
' All variables must be declared before use.
Option Explicit
' lineAlt2Title.vbs
' (- a VBScript which uses the root WSH (Windows Script Host) COM object "WScript")
Sub Main()
Dim strInput 'As String
' Test string(s).
'**** How to use: Uncomment the line you want to use, and comment out the lines you do not want to use. ****
strInput = "<p align=""left"">Text <img src=""./3.jpg"" alt=""3alt.jpg"" title=""3title.jpg"" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle""> text.</p>"
'strInput = "<img only one on the line>"
'strInput = "<img start line> abc"
'strInput = "<img start line abc"
'strInput = "abc <img end line>"
'strInput = "abc <img end line"
'strInput = "<img #1><img #2>"
'strInput = "<img #1> <img #2>"
'strInput = "abc<img #1><img #2>"
'strInput = "<img #1><img #2>abc"
'strInput = "abc<img #1>def<img #2>ghi"
'strInput = "abc<img #1>def<img #2><img #3>ghi"
'strInput = "abc"
MsgBox "lineAlt2Title = " & lineAlt2Title(strInput), vbOKOnly, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa"
End Sub
Function lineAlt2Title(strLine) 'As String
' Process Line: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Const startOfTagStr = "<img " 'As String
Const endOfTagStr = ">" 'As String
Dim lineStr 'As String
Dim processedLineStr 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer ' Iterator for loops.
Dim CompareMode 'As Integer ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
Dim startPosInt 'As Integer
Dim posStartOfTagInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfTagInt 'As Integer
Dim foundNotPartOfTagStr 'As String
Dim foundTagStr 'As String
i = 0
CompareMode = 1 ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
lineStr = strLine ' Don't modify input variables.
processedLineStr = ""
startPosInt = 1 ' Important!
posStartOfTagInt = 0
posEndOfTagInt = 0
foundNotPartOfTagStr = ""
foundTagStr = ""
If IsNull(lineStr) = True Then
' Make sure of the variable value if 'nothing' is the contents of the input.
lineStr = ""
End If
If lineStr = "" Then
' The passed parameter (variable) must be a blank line and therefore...
' Do nothing.
processedLineStr = lineStr
lineAlt2Title = processedLineStr
Exit Function
End If
Do While startPosInt <= Len(lineStr)
' Don't get stuck because of an error made during the development of the code.
' Do not allow an infinite loop. / Tillad ikke en uendelig loekke.
' Stop the loop. ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'If MsgBox ("Do not allow an infinite loop." & " Continue the loop?", vbOkCancel, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa") = vbCancel Then Exit Do ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = ""
foundTagStr = ""
'MsgBox("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt) & "; Length of lineStr = " & CStr(Len(lineStr))) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' The found tag must start and end on the same line (fragment).
posStartOfTagInt = InStr(startPosInt, lineStr, startOfTagStr, CompareMode)
If posStartOfTagInt <> 0 Then
' Found start of tag.
posEndOfTagInt = InStr(posStartOfTagInt + (Len(startOfTagStr)), lineStr, endOfTagStr, CompareMode)
' Found no start of tag.
posEndOfTagInt = 0
End If
'MsgBox ("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt) & "; posStartOfTagInt = " & CStr(posStartOfTagInt) & "; posEndOfTagInt = " & CStr(posEndOfTagInt)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If posStartOfTagInt <> 0 And posEndOfTagInt <> 0 Then
' Found start and end of tag on the same line fragment.
'MsgBox ("foundNotPartOfTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (posStartOfTagInt - startPosInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("foundTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, posStartOfTagInt, (posEndOfTagInt + Len(endOfTagStr) - posStartOfTagInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (posStartOfTagInt - startPosInt))
foundTagStr = Mid(lineStr, posStartOfTagInt, (posEndOfTagInt + Len(endOfTagStr) - posStartOfTagInt))
' Found no start and end of tag on the same line fragment.
'MsgBox ("foundNotPartOfTagStr (Part # of #) = " & "§" & Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (Len(lineStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
foundNotPartOfTagStr = Mid(lineStr, startPosInt, (Len(lineStr)))
End If
processedLineStr = processedLineStr + foundNotPartOfTagStr + tagAlt2Title(foundTagStr)
startPosInt = startPosInt + Len(foundNotPartOfTagStr) + Len(foundTagStr)
'MsgBox ("startPosInt = " & CStr(startPosInt)) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("processedLineStr = " & processedLineStr) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
lineAlt2Title = processedLineStr
End Function
Function tagAlt2Title(strTag) 'As String
' Process Tag: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
' *** Dummy function. / Attrap funktion. ***
Dim tagStr 'As String
tagStr = strTag ' Don't modify input variables.
tagAlt2Title = tagStr
End Function
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
Simple word processor: / Simpel tekstbehandlerprogram:
/ lineAlt2Title.vbs
to the saved file .txt
til den gemte fil
Overview - Function(s)... / Oversigt - Funktion(er)...
- and Sub procedure(s)... / - og Sub procedure(r)...
A sub procedure is used exactly the same way as a function, the only difference being that it doesn't return a value and therefore can't be used as part of an argument. Sub procedures are used by Visual Basic to provide event handling. / En sub procedure anvendes på nøjagtig samme måde som en funktion, den eneste forskel er, at den ikke returnerer en værdi, og derfor ikke kan bruges som en del af et argument. Sub procedurer anvendes af Visual Basic til at tilvejebringe begivenhed håndtering.
Developed and tested under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - Danish version. / Udviklet og testet under Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - dansk version.
' All variables must be declared before use.
Option Explicit
' tagAlt2Title.vbs
' (- a VBScript which uses the root WSH (Windows Script Host) COM object "WScript")
Sub Main()
Dim strInput 'As String
' Test string(s).
'**** How to use: Uncomment the line you want to use, and comment out the lines you do not want to use. ****
strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" alt=""3alt.jpg"" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" title=""3title.jpg"" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" alt=""3alt.jpg"" title=""3title.jpg"" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" alt="""" title="""" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" alt="""" hspace=""0"" title="""" width=""829"" height=""1185"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" title="""" alt="""" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" title="""" hspace=""0"" alt="""" width=""829"" height=""1185"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
'strInput = "<img src=""./3.jpg"" width=""829"" height=""1185"" hspace=""0"" vspace=""0"" border=""0"" align=""middle"">"
MsgBox "tagAlt2Title = " & tagAlt2Title(strInput), vbOKOnly, "HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa"
End Sub
Function tagAlt2Title(strTag) 'As String
' Process Tag: HTML tag (image) 'img' attribute: 'alt' to 'title', and vice versa.
Const startOfTagStr = "<img " 'As String
Const endOfTagStr = ">" 'As String
Const startOfSrcAttbStr = " src=""" 'As String
Const endOfSrcAttbStr = """" 'As String
Const startOfAltAttbStr = " alt=""" 'As String
Const endOfAltAttbStr = """" 'As String
Const startOfTitleAttbStr = " title=""" 'As String
Const endOfTitleAttbStr = """" 'As String
Dim tagStr 'As String
Dim processedTagStr 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer ' Iterator for loops.
Dim CompareMode 'As Integer ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
Dim posStartOfSrcAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfSrcAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim srcAttbStr 'As String
Dim blnFoundSrcAttb 'As Boolean
Dim srcAttbFileNameStr 'As String
Dim foundAttbStr 'As String
Dim posStartOfAltAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfAltAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posStartOfTitleAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim posEndOfTitleAttbInt 'As Integer
Dim altAttbStr 'As String
Dim titleAttbStr 'As String
Dim blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank 'As Boolean
Dim blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing 'As Boolean
Dim blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing 'As Boolean
i = 0
CompareMode = 1 ' Comparison Mode: Value 0 [Binary - case sensitive] or 1 [Text - case insensitive].
tagStr = strTag ' Don't modify input variables.
processedTagStr = ""
posStartOfSrcAttbInt = 0
posEndOfSrcAttbInt = 0
srcAttbStr = ""
blnFoundSrcAttb = False
srcAttbFileNameStr = ""
foundAttbStr = ""
posStartOfAltAttbInt = 0
posEndOfAltAttbInt = 0
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = 0
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = 0
altAttbStr = ""
titleAttbStr = ""
'**** Below here are the variables that can be edited by the user! ****
' User changeable option Start. / Bruger udskiftelig indstilling Start.
' Optionally use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both
' of these are existing and both of these are blank (False|True) [Default: False].
blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank = False
' Optionally add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are
' missing (False|True) [Default: True].
blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = True
' Optionally use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both
' of these are missing (False|True) [Default: False].
blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False
' User changeable option End. / Bruger udskiftelig indstilling Slut.
'**** Above here are the variables that can be edited by the user! ****
If IsNull(tagStr) = True Then
' Make sure of the variable value if 'nothing' is the contents of the input.
tagStr = ""
End If
If tagStr = "" Then
' The passed parameter (variable) must be blank and therefore...
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
Exit Function
End If
If Lcase(Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(startOfTagStr))) <> Lcase(startOfTagStr) _
Or Lcase(Mid(tagStr, Len(tagStr) - (Len(endOfTagStr) - 1), Len(endOfTagStr))) <> Lcase(endOfTagStr) _
Or InStr((1 + Len(startOfTagStr)), tagStr, startOfTagStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
' The passed tag must start and end the line and also be on the same line, and
' there must only be one tag at the line otherwise...
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
' Found Src Attribute.
blnFoundSrcAttb = True
posStartOfSrcAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfSrcAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfSrcAttbInt + (Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfSrcAttbStr, CompareMode)
srcAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfSrcAttbInt + Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)), (posEndOfSrcAttbInt - (posStartOfSrcAttbInt + Len(startOfSrcAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("srcAttbStr = " & "§" & srcAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
' Found No Src Attribute.
blnFoundSrcAttb = False
srcAttbStr = ""
End If
If InStrRev(srcAttbStr, "/") Then
' Get Src Attribute file name consisting of 'filename.extension'.
srcAttbFileNameStr = CStr(Mid(srcAttbStr, (InStrRev(srcAttbStr, "/") + 1), Len(srcAttbStr)))
' Src Attribute file name consisting of 'filename.extension'.
srcAttbFileNameStr = srcAttbStr
End If
'MsgBox ("srcAttbFileNameStr = " & "§" & srcAttbFileNameStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundOnlyAltAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundOnlyTitleAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) <> 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundAltAndTitleAttb")
End If
If InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 And InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode) = 0 Then
foundAttbStr = Lcase("foundNoAltAndTitleAttb")
End If
Select Case Lcase(foundAttbStr)
Case "foundonlyaltattb"
' Found Only Alt Attribute.
' Use value of Alt Attribute to Title Attribute.
posStartOfAltAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfAltAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfAltAttbInt + (Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
altAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), (posEndOfAltAttbInt - (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("altAttbStr = " & "§" & altAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfAltAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt)) & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & altAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfAltAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfAltAttbInt))
Case "foundonlytitleattb"
' Found Only Title Attribute.
' Use value of Title Attribute to Alt Attribute.
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfTitleAttbInt + (Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
titleAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("titleAttbStr = " & "§" & titleAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt), Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & titleAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt), Len(tagStr))
Case "foundaltandtitleattb"
' Found Alt And Title Attribute.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreExistingAndBothAreBlank = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are existing and both of these are blank.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are existing and both of these are blank.
posStartOfAltAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfAltAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfAltAttbInt + (Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfAltAttbStr, CompareMode)
altAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)), (posEndOfAltAttbInt - (posStartOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("altAttbStr = " & "§" & altAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
posStartOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(1, tagStr, startOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
posEndOfTitleAttbInt = InStr(posStartOfTitleAttbInt + (Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), tagStr, endOfTitleAttbStr, CompareMode)
titleAttbStr = CStr(Mid(tagStr, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)), (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - (posStartOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr)))))
'MsgBox ("titleAttbStr = " & "§" & titleAttbStr & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If altAttbStr = "" And titleAttbStr = "" Then
' Alt Attribute and Title Attribute are both blank.
If posStartOfAltAttbInt < posStartOfTitleAttbInt Then
' Occurrence order: / Forekomst raekkefoelge: Alt Attribute - Title Attribute.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - posEndOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 3 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfAltAttbInt - 1)) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, (posStartOfTitleAttbInt - posEndOfAltAttbInt + Len(startOfTitleAttbStr))) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, Len(tagStr))
' Occurrence order: / Forekomst raekkefoelge: Title Attribute - Alt Attribute.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, (posStartOfAltAttbInt - posEndOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 3 of 3) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, Len(tagStr)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfTitleAttbInt - 1)) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfTitleAttbInt, (posStartOfAltAttbInt - posEndOfTitleAttbInt + Len(startOfAltAttbStr))) & _
srcAttbFileNameStr & _
Mid(tagStr, posEndOfAltAttbInt, Len(tagStr))
End If
' Alt Attribute and Title Attribute are both NOT blank.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
End If
End If
Case "foundnoaltandtitleattb"
' Found No Alt And Title Attribute.
If blnOptionallyAddAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
' Do add Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
If blnFoundSrcAttb = True Then
' Src Attribute was found.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt))
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt)) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (posEndOfSrcAttbInt + 1), (Len(tagStr) - posEndOfSrcAttbInt))
End If
' No Src Attribute was found.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 1 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
'MsgBox ("tagStr (Part 2 of 2) = " & "§" & Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)))) & "§") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
If blnOptionallyUseSrcAttbToAltAttbAndTitleAttbIfBothAreMissing = False Then
' Do NOT use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))))
' Do use value of Src Attribute to Alt Attribute and Title Attribute if both of these are missing.
processedTagStr = Mid(tagStr, 1, Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))) & _
startOfAltAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfAltAttbStr & _
startOfTitleAttbStr & srcAttbFileNameStr & endOfTitleAttbStr & _
Mid(tagStr, (Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr)) + 1), (Len(tagStr) - Len(RTrim(startOfTagStr))))
End If
End If
End If
Case Else
' Do nothing.
processedTagStr = tagStr
End Select
'MsgBox ("processedTagStr = " & processedTagStr) ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
tagAlt2Title = processedTagStr
End Function
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
Simple word processor: / Simpel tekstbehandlerprogram:
/ tagAlt2Title.vbs
to the saved file .txt
til den gemte fil
A regular expression (regexp | regex | RE) is a text pattern consisting of a combination of alphanumeric characters and special characters known as metacharacters. A close relative is in fact the wildcard expression
which are often used in file management. The pattern is used to match against text strings. The result of a match is either successful or not, however when a match is successful not all of the pattern must match in all cases. /
En regular expression (regexp | regex | RE) [regulær udtryk] er et tekst mønster bestående af en kombination af alfanumeriske tegn og specialtegn kendt som metategn. En nær slægtning er i virkeligheden det jokertegn udtryk, som ofte anvendes i filhåndtering. Mønsteret bruges til at matche mod tekststrenge. Resultatet af en matchning er enten en succes eller ej, men når en matchning er vellykket, skal ikke hele mønstret matche i alle tilfælde.
Regular expressions are used in three different ways: Regular text match, search and replace, and splitting. The latter is basically the same as the reverse match i.e. everything the regular expression did not match. /
Regular expressions [regulære udtryk] anvendes på tre forskellige måder: Almindelig tekst matchning, søg og erstat samt opsplitning. Sidstnævnte er grundlæggende det samme som den omvendte matchning, dvs. alt det, som det regular expression [regulære udtryk] ikke matchede.
Regular expressions are often simply called regexps, regex, or RE. /
Regular expressions [regulære udtryk] er ofte blot kaldet regexp, regex eller RE.
Use for example: / Brug for eksempel:
[ For the program "Search and Replace" from Funduc Software at: http://www.funduc.com ] /
[ Til programmet "Search and Replace" fra Funduc Software ved: http://www.funduc.com ]
Warning! Always make a backup copy of your
files before running this type of code. /
Lav altid en backup-kopi af dine filer før denne type kode
Step 1: /
Trin 1:
Add the content from the attribute 'alt' to
a new attribute 'title' on all your pages in all your folders
but only if you do not already have any 'title'
attributes in your pages. /
Tilføj indholdet
fra attributten 'alt' til en ny attribut 'title' på
alle dine sider i alle dine mapper, men kun
hvis du ikke allerede har nogen 'title' attributter i dine
SR Script File (*.srs) extract: /
SR Skript Fil (*.srs) uddrag:
[Search /ix]
alt="%1" title="%1"
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
Note that the first character in the
"Search" and "Replace" lines is
a space character. /
Bemærk at
første karakter i "Search" og
"Replace" linierne er en mellemrum
[ For the program "TextPad" from Helios Software Solutions at: http://www.heliosof.demon.co.uk ] /
[ Til programmet "TextPad" fra Helios Software Solutions ved: http://www.heliosof.demon.co.uk ]
Developed and tested with the HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
File: <filename>.htm
. /
Udviklet og
afprøvet med HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
fil: <filnavn>.htm
#1 Search for attribute
Søg efter attributten
[ ]
Any one of the characters in the brackets, or any of a range of characters separated by a hyphen (-), or a character class operator. / Enhver af tegnene i parenteserne, eller enhver af et område af tegn adskilt af en bindestreg (-), eller en tegn klasse operator [operatør].
Matches zero or more of the preceding characters or expressions. / Matcher nul eller flere af de foregående tegn eller udtryk.
Any characters except for those after the caret "^". / Alle tegn bortset fra dem efter indskudstegnet "^".
\( \)
Groups a tagged expression to use in replacement expressions. An RE can have up to 9 tagged expressions, numbered according to their order in the RE. The corresponding replacement expression is \x, for x in the range 1-9. / Grupperer et markeret udtryk til brug i udskiftnings-udtryk. En regular expression [regulær udtryk] kan have op til 9 markerede udtryk, nummereret i henhold til deres rækkefølge i regular expression [regulær udtryk]. Det tilsvarende udskiftnings-udtryk er \x, for x i intervallet 1-9.
"Escapes" the special meaning of the above expressions, so that they can be matched as literal characters. Hence, to match a literal "\", you must use "\\". / "Escapes" [undgår] den særlige betydning af de ovennævnte udtryk, så de kan blive matchet som bogstavelige tegn. Derfor, for at matche en bogstavelig "\", skal du bruge "\\".
Space or tab. (Note the extra pairs of brackets.) / Mellemrum eller tabulator. (Bemærk de ekstra par af parenteser.)
Always work
on a copy of the original
file! /
altid på en kopi af den oprindelige fil!
#1 Find
what (start from the top of the page)
(Note that the first character is a space
character): /
#1 Find
hvad (start fra toppen af siden)
(Bemærk at første karakter er en mellemrum karakter):
or / eller
Replace with (do not
use "Replace All") (Note that the first character is
a space character): /
Erstat med (brug
ikke "Erstat alle") (Bemærk at
første karakter er en mellemrum karakter):
alt="\1" title="\1"
Example(s): /
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) File (*.htm) extract: /
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Fil (*.htm) uddrag:
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="" width="200"> <img src="filename.ext" alt=" " width="200"></P>
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="MyAlt" width="200"></P>
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="My Alt" width="200"></P>
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
Result: /
The result from the
"Search and Replace (SR) Script Text"
and "TextPad" above-mentioned
1 step should be that attribute
have been replaced with
Resultatet fra
"Search and Replace (SR) Script Text"
og "TextPad" ovenfor nævnte
1 trin skulle være at attribut
er blevet erstattet med
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="" title="" width="200"> <img src="filename.ext" alt=" " title=" " width="200"></P>
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="MyAlt" title="MyAlt" width="200"></P>
<P ALIGN="left"><img src="filename.ext" alt="My Alt" title="My Alt" width="200"></P>
Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.
The code might need some minor tweaks to run in your application. / Koden kan behøve nogle mindre ændringer for at kunne afvikles i dit anvendelsesområde.
Licence: Free to use, but please
share improvements.
No warranty - use at own risk. /
Licens: Fri brug, men
del venligst forbedringer.
Ingen garanti - brug på eget ansvar.
Warning: Don't run the script files
without reading them first!
Total absence of any guarantee, warranty, or
responsibility for script files, the script(s), the files they
may produce, or the effects the script(s) or script-produced
files may have. The script(s) is, after all, plain text. The
burden is on the person using the script(s) to examine
the script source code and determine whether or not a script is
usable and safe. Operating systems and browsers are constantly
changing. What works today may not work tomorrow!
Advarsel: Kør ikke script-filerne
uden at læse dem først!
Totalt fravær af nogen form for garanti,
garanti eller ansvar for script-filer, scriptet(scriptene), de
filer, de kan producere eller de virkninger, scriptet(scriptene)
eller scriptproducerede filer kan have. Scriptet(Scriptene) er,
trods alt, almindelig tekst. Byrden er på brugeren af
scriptet(scriptene) til at undersøge script kildekoden og
afgøre, hvorvidt et script er brugbart og sikkert.
Operativsystemer og browsere er under konstant forandring. Hvad
fungerer i dag, fungerer muligvis ikke i morgen!