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* Erik Østergaard ** Gæstebog - Guestbook ** Med ordstyrer - With moderator *
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Hej / Hello Erik!
I look forward to trying your recipe, "Mormors go'd kage". I think I can still remember enough Danish to translate it well enough. Jeg arbejdede hos Kommunedata ud i Ballerup i et aar, 93-94, som praktikant. Mens jeg var der jeg, laeste dansk hos Studieskolen. I was looking for a pastry recipe when I found your site - the kind of pastry that you roll out and then roll butter into. I loved the pastries in Denmark.
Have a great day!
Pamela Dake <pamelanotpam@yahoo.com>
Vancouver, WA USA - Saturday, March 18, 2006 at 20:47:10 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Thanks for permitting free viewing of your web site. I used a link from an Ask Jeeves search for applications of the octal number system. Kind regards and best wishes for the fyture.
Edmond Condillac <econ22@hotmail.com>
London, England - Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 21:44:28 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Good site, thanks for the help with binary etc, keep up the good work.... Will visit again.
Paul <wheato1@hotmail.co.uk>
Leicester, England - Sunday, February 5, 2006 at 01:22:33 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
nice page you have here :O)
Forrest Larsensen <forrestlarsensen@hotmail.com>
Springfield, US of A - Friday, January 27, 2006 at 13:58:13 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Helping me with my college work on binary TY.
Stoke, England - Monday, December 5, 2005 at 15:26:06 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
hej jeg syne´s du skal samle bøger om jul i tivoli i københavn det er snart jul.
rene <petersen_705@hotmail.com>
Løgstør, Danmark Denmark - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 at 12:08:41 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Great to find a website with the works of HC Lumbye. I am collecting the Marco Polo - CD's of his music and now I know what to expect. quite a lot more CD's is seems.
Hildo van Leeuwen <hivalemp@hetnet.nl>
Den Haag, The Netherlands - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 at 21:04:44 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Nice site, was watching for a stopwatch!
Google found yours, byebye.
Rob <ssjveget@hotmail.com>
HOLLAND HOLLAND - Saturday, November 5, 2005 at 23:20:51 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
i stumbled cross your numbering systems pages and found them really useful (as others have from what i have read) as i am doing computer science. keep up the good work!
Slán agaibh,
John <john.quirke@gmail.com>
Dublin, Ireland - Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 06:59:29 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
I accidentally came across your web site when I used the search engine Google to look for a conversion table on Hex to decimal. I am almost exactly your age and am currently taking Computer Science courses at a local college.
Thanks for the info
Joan Winslow <winjslow2004@yahoo.com>
Walnut Creek, California United States - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 at 04:54:52 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Thank you that you solved or answer for some question(I confuse between Digit vs Bit) to me. And this morning I happy and feel good after visit your personal web site. I will come back again for up to date myself. ^o~
Ornanong W. <ornanong@rmut.ac.th>
Nonthaburi, 11000 Thailand - Monday, August 22, 2005 at 01:32:47 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
jeg ville også lige skrive her da jeg så hvormang der har skrevet fr så mange forskellige lande.... så... hei...!
Mathilde Lund Poulsen
Kølkær ved Herning, Danmark/Denmark - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 at 17:02:24 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
this is a great help to my studies as a mature student studying a diploma in computers in new plymouth nz.
glen towler <flyingkiwi992002@yahoo.com>
new plymouth, taranaki new zealand - Monday, May 30, 2005 at 01:03:36 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Det må jeg godt nok sige, det du har lavet her er en rigtig god hjemmeside. Jeg søgte på slips på google og din side var den første der poppede op og jeg fandt det jeg søgte, derefter blev jeg lidt nysgerrig for at se hvad der mere var på på din hjemmeside og blev overrasket af de mange emner. Det er ikke sidste gang jeg har været på din side for at kigge.
Hilsen Claus.
Claus Chris Schøn Nielsen <ccsn@kabelmail.dk>
svendborg, Sydfyn DK - Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 19:13:04 (MET)
I really like your site.
Nitu <nitu_1986@yahoo.com>
Texas, USA - Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 08:09:51 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Mange tak for de opskrifter, du har lagt paa. Jeg afprover krebinetterne og den sur/soede sovs i aften.
Holger <holger@thebagbroker.com>
Yangmei, Taiwan - Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 13:45:21 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Tak for kigget på din fine hjemmeside.
Besøgte den i forbindelse med søgning på kanel, da jeg har diabetes 2 og har fået oplyst at ægte kanel evt. kan hjælpe på optagelse af insulin i cellerne.
Venlig hilsen Leif Skytt, gammel bager på efterløn født i 1944.
Leif Skytt <leif@mulan.dk>
Rødovre, Danmark - Monday, March 7, 2005 at 15:54:39 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
I am the mother (Kristin) and Cody is the son. Cody is doing a project for his Geography class (7th grade) on Denmark. We are learing alot of interesting things about Denmark and how beautiful it sounds. Maybe one day we'll be able to visit your lovely country!
Thanks for sharing with us about Denmark.
Kristin and Cody
Kristin Espinal and Cody Goreczky <KrstEspn@aol.com>
Orlando, Florida United States - Saturday, February 19, 2005 at 01:30:45 (MET)
hey my friend showed me this site via the link to the page "His Master's Voice". that's some pretty cool shit. well i had always wondered what HMV stood for. now i know.
well, you -could- make it a little more sentimental and less factual you know. just a comment.
good job on the site. it's pretty cool.
elena <weirdchicken@hotmail.com>
singapore, singapore - Thursday, February 3, 2005 at 15:44:34 (MET)
Hello Erik!
I am a Computer Science teacher in Toronto/Canada. I was looking for some information on internet about binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers and I have found your web page. It is very well done so I will recommend it to my students as a good resource for their assignments.
Thanks.. and Happy New Year
Anna Rucinska <aneczka2@hotmail.com>
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at 18:02:15 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Good job!!
Dolores <craftylady17901@yahoo.com>
Schuylkill Haven, PA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 at 17:38:31 (MET)
I really enjoyed your website. Good luck in your work.
Mel Darts
New York, NY United States - Saturday, November 6, 2004 at 21:12:22 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik! I visited your country in 1989, I hope to visit again very soon. nice site.
Mgbada Naija
Laos, Laos Laos - Monday, November 1, 2004 at 15:04:51 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
fin WEB, selv om jeg måske kunne savne en navigationsbar/-menu, så man bevarer overblikket. Men pyt! - Jeg fandt den ved at søge efter "Vardes vilde liv". En sang som min kone skal snart fremføre den (igen) til en amatørcabaret. Hun manglede lige teksten, så hun kunne få "pudset den af". Hun har nemlig tidligere fremført den for nogle år siden. Sågar ligefrem på Bakkens Hvile på hendes polterabend! - Det er nogle fine notater og oversigter m.v. du har omkring Bakkesangerinderne og Bakkens Hvile m.v. - Det er sådan noget der er med til at bære kulturen videre til næste generation og til folk fra andre lande. Vi kan sagtens være denne del af den danske kultur bekendt!!!
Tonny Franke <SedenpåminWEB@hvordenerkodet.dk>
Karlslunde, Danmark - Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 13:41:54 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik! Thank you. I just came from a operating systems class that discussed binary, hexadecimal and decimal conversions, and your website helped put everything into perspective for me. I am sure that I will need your expertise again in the next weeks to come and I have saved you to Favorites. I also know I will be passing your website along. Again, thank you for being there.--Tere
Tere <lakasaramat@aol.com>
San antonio, USA - Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 21:26:02 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
I really enjoyed the way you broke down the ascii table into seperate groups. I never looked at it that way before.
Anyways, thanks for the learning experience! I'm going to check out some of the pictures of your country now... I'm sure they'll prove very interesting as well...
Luke <jeanlucp@aei.ca>
Dorval, Quebec Canada - Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 14:30:43 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik! how are u doing - great job.
amanda <dobson1976@totalise.co.uk>
US, US US - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 at 17:38:21 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Just a hello from a danish/american living in california, I enjoyed your website.. didn't know what "jantelov" was, now I do.. thanks.
Jorgen Arnsdorff <yawlamadeus@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, California USA - Friday, January 9, 2004 at 02:04:06 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik! Jeg kan lide din side - kan du give lidt fif - er selv ved at starte en side her på nettet - men mangler erfaring og inspiration. Hilsen Stelzner.
Stelzner <sirstelzner@hotmail.com>
Svendborg, DK - Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 16:04:04 (MET)
Hej / Hello Erik!
Nice work sir.
My name is Ramesh and i am from India.
I cam across your webpage when i was browsing the google search engine regarding hex to ascii code conversion.
I hope i will be mailing u and keep in touch with you shortly.
Whether or not by accident, my b'day falls on the same period of yours and so is the sun sign.
Have a nice day.
See you later.
Ramesh <shivvaram@hotmail.com>
Chennai, Tamil Nadu India - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at 06:50:47 (MET)
Hi... Eine sehr schöne Seite, auf die ich da gestoßen bin. Vielleicht könntest du mir ein paar Tips verraten, wie ich meine auch so gut hinbekomme? Ganz liebe Grüße...
Michaela <Michaela.Jordan@web.de>
Potsdam, Germany - Monday, October 6, 2003 at 14:25:42 (MET)
Hej Erik! Test af gæstebogen.
Erik Østergaard <minemail@noget.net>
København, Danmark - Monday, September 1, 2003 at 02:40:37 (MET)
Hello Erik! Test of the Guestbook.
Erik Oestergaard <myemail@something.net>
Copenhagen, Denmark - Monday, September 1, 2003 at 02:37:59 (MET)
Hello Recipient-name! Sample of text.
Someone <someone@somewhere.com>
City, State Country - Monday, September 1, 2003 at 00:51:00 (MET)