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(Geometric Shapes) BASIC source code snippets BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) source code snippets / BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) kildekode småstykker

- included the programming languages variants: Basic, VB (Visual Basic), VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and VBS (VBScript). / - inkluderet programmeringssprog varianterne: Basic, VB (Visual Basic), VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) og VBS (VBScript).

Warning Warning / AdvarselWarning: Don't run the script files without reading them first! /
Warning / AdvarselAdvarsel: Kør ikke script-filerne uden at læse dem først!

VBA - source code snippets / VBA - kildekode småstykker

Print Dir or Directory Printer / Udskriv bibliotek eller Biblioteksudskriver

Description: Print a directory (folder)'s file names to a text file. / Beskrivelse: Udskriv et biblioteks (mappes) filnavne til en tekstfil.

Overview - Function(s)... / Oversigt - Funktion(er)...

Developed and tested under Microsoft Office Word 2003 - English version and for some functions only or also under Microsoft Office Excel 2003 - English version. / Udviklet og testet under Microsoft Office Word 2003 - engelsk version og for nogle funktioner kun eller også under Microsoft Office Excel 2003 - engelsk version.

' All variables must be declared before use.
Option Explicit
' Option Base 0|1: Used at module level to declare
'   the default lower bound for array subscripts.
' Used at the beginning of a module to specify the
'   default lower bound for arrays dimensioned
'   within the module. Default base for arrays is 0.
Option Base 0

Public Function doPrintDir(sPathAndFileNameIn As String, sPathAndFileNameOut As String, bGenerateOutputFileModeAppend As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_doPrintDir
    ' Print Dir or Directory Printer.
    ' Print a directory (folder)'s file names to a text file.
      ' Note: All parameters (variables) passed to this function must
      '   be valid - no error checking is performed.
      ' sPath: full Path and File Name (i. e. wild card(s)) for the Input files.
      ' sPath2: full Path and File Name for the Output file.
      '   Note: A filename can not contain the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
      ' bGenerateOutputFileModeAppend = True|False  '  True [Mode: Append] or False [Mode: Overwrite].
    ' Define variables.
    Dim tmpStr As String    ' Temporary text.
    Dim tmpFileNameStr As String
    Dim intOutFileNumber As Integer
    Dim IntValue As Long    ' Iterator for loops.
    Dim bDoSortListItems As Boolean
    Dim sUseSortOrder As String
    Dim bInSortMixLCaseAndUCaseLetters As Boolean
    Dim StartLbound As Long
    Dim EndUbound As Long

    ' Define and Initialize variables for a Dynamic Array - Start.
    Dim IntDynamicArrayValue As Long
    Dim sFound As String
    Dim CurUbound As Long
    Dim StartUbound As Long
    StartUbound = 50
    'Dim TextLineDynamicArrayList(StartUbound) As String
    Dim TextLineDynamicArrayList As Variant
    ' Option Base is used at module level to declare
    '   the default lower bound for array subscripts.
    ReDim TextLineDynamicArrayList(StartUbound)
    CurUbound = StartUbound
    IntDynamicArrayValue = -1
    sFound = ""    ' Found text.
    ' Define and Initialize variables for a Dynamic Array - End.

    If IsNull(sPathAndFileNameIn) = True Then
        doPrintDir = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If IsNull(sPathAndFileNameOut) = True Then
        doPrintDir = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Initialize variables.
    tmpStr = ""    ' Temporary text.
    tmpFileNameStr = ""
    '    Note: 'True' [Mode: Do sort the list items] or 'False' [Mode: Do not sort the list items].
    '    Bemaerk: 'True' (Sand) [Maade: Sorter list elementerne] eller 'False' (Falsk) [Maade: Sorter ikke list elementerne].
    bDoSortListItems = True  ' See remark above. / Se bemaerkning ovenfor.
    '    Note: Sort order selected by specifying the sort criteria 'Sort Ascending [A-Z]' (Ascending) or
    '          'Sort Descending [Z-A]' (Descending) [Default: Ascending].
    '    Bemaerk: Sorteringsraekkefoelge valgt ved at bestemme sorteringskriteriet 'Sorter stigende [A-Z]' (Stigende) eller
    '          'Sorter faldende [Z-A]' (Faldende) [Standard: Stigende].
    sUseSortOrder = "Ascending"  ' See remark above. / Se bemaerkning ovenfor.
    '    Note: 'True' [Mode: In sort do mix lowercase and uppercase letters] or 'False' [Mode: In sort do not mix lowercase and uppercase letters].
    '    Bemaerk: 'True' (Sand) [Maade: I sortering bland smaa og store bogstaver] eller 'False' (Falsk) [Maade: I sortering bland ikke smaa og store bogstaver].
    bInSortMixLCaseAndUCaseLetters = True  ' See remark above. / Se bemaerkning ovenfor.
    doPrintDir = False

    If FileExists(sPathAndFileNameIn) = False Then
        MsgBox prompt:="Entered path do not exists or there is no file in the directory (folder)!", _
        Title:="Errors in the input !", buttons:=vbCritical
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' ***** Dynamic Array Start.

    ' ***** Insert Data in Dynamic Array Start.

    ' Dir Function returns filename with specified extension. If more
    ' than one match file exists, the first file found is returned.
    sFound = Dir$(sPathAndFileNameIn, 0)   ' Retrieve the first entry.
    Do While Len(sFound) <> 0    ' Start the loop.
        ' Add Data to the Dynamic Array.
        ' ***** Repeated output line(s) or paragraph(s) start *****
        ' *
        ' Make an Array line out of each file name.
        IntDynamicArrayValue = IntDynamicArrayValue + 1    ' Update the counter variable.
        tmpStr = sFound
        TextLineDynamicArrayList(IntDynamicArrayValue) = tmpStr
        If IntDynamicArrayValue = CurUbound Then
            CurUbound = CurUbound + StartUbound
            'ReDim Preserve TextLineDynamicArrayList(CurUbound) As String
            ReDim Preserve TextLineDynamicArrayList(CurUbound)
        End If
        ' *
        ' ***** Repeated output line(s) or paragraph(s) end *****
        ' Call Dir Function again without arguments to return the
        ' next match file in the same directory.
        sFound = Dir$    ' Get next entry.
    ' ***** Insert Data in Dynamic Array End.

    If IntDynamicArrayValue <> -1 Then
        'ReDim Preserve TextLineDynamicArrayList(IntDynamicArrayValue) As String
        ReDim Preserve TextLineDynamicArrayList(IntDynamicArrayValue)
        'ReDim TextLineDynamicArrayList() As String
        ReDim TextLineDynamicArrayList(0)
    End If
    If IntDynamicArrayValue = -1 Then
        ' Found no selected file(s).
        ' Note:    TextLineDynamicArrayList: Must contain at least one found file.
        MsgBox prompt:="In " & Chr$(34) & sPathAndFileNameIn & Chr$(34) & " no matching file(s) were found" & ".", _
        Title:="Info", buttons:=vbInformation + vbOKOnly
        GoTo Exit_doPrintDir
    End If
    '    Note: 'True' [Mode: In sort do mix lowercase and uppercase letters] or 'False' [Mode: In sort do not mix lowercase and uppercase letters].
    '    Bemaerk: 'True' (Sand) [Maade: I sortering bland smaa og store bogstaver] eller 'False' (Falsk) [Maade: I sortering bland ikke smaa og store bogstaver].
    If bInSortMixLCaseAndUCaseLetters = False Then    ' See remark above. / Se bemaerkning ovenfor.
        ' Use Standard Sort Algorithm.
        'TextLineDynamicArrayList() = doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList(), bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, True)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
        Call doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList, bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, True)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
        ' First:
        ' Use Standard Sort Algorithm.
        'TextLineDynamicArrayList() = doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList(), bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, True)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
        Call doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList, bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, True)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
        ' Second:
        ' Use Customized Sort Algorithm.
        'TextLineDynamicArrayList() = doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList(), bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, False)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
        Call doBubbleSortMyList(TextLineDynamicArrayList, bDoSortListItems, sUseSortOrder, False)    ' Bubble Sort My List.
    End If

    ' ***** Dynamic Array End.
    ' Note:    TextLineDynamicArrayList: Must contain at least one found file.
    ' Sorted List.

    ' Initialize variables.
    StartLbound = LBound(TextLineDynamicArrayList)
    EndUbound = UBound(TextLineDynamicArrayList)

    intOutFileNumber = FreeFile ' Unique file number is found. ' Unikt filnummer findes.
    ' This function can only be used just before an Open sentence. FreeFile
    ' returns the next available file number, but do not reserve it.
    ' Denne funktion kan kun bruges lige foran en Open-saetning. FreeFile
    ' returnerer det naeste tilgaengelige filnummer, men reserverer det ikke.
    If bGenerateOutputFileModeAppend = True Then
        ' True [Mode: Append].
        Open sPathAndFileNameOut For Append As #intOutFileNumber
        ' False [Mode: Overwrite].
        Open sPathAndFileNameOut For Output As #intOutFileNumber
    End If
    Print #intOutFileNumber,    ' Print blank line to file.
    Print #intOutFileNumber, CStr(Now)
    Print #intOutFileNumber, "Input file: " & Chr$(34) & sPathAndFileNameIn & Chr$(34) & "."
    Print #intOutFileNumber, "Output file: " & Chr$(34) & sPathAndFileNameOut & Chr$(34) & "."
    If (EndUbound + 1) = 1 Then    ' Correct for zero-based index.
        tmpStr = "Found " & CStr(EndUbound + 1) & " file."    ' Correct for zero-based index.
        tmpStr = "Found " & CStr(EndUbound + 1) & " files."    ' Correct for zero-based index.
    End If
    Print #intOutFileNumber, tmpStr
    tmpStr = "::" & " " & String$(16, "*") & " " & "Running " & _
    "Print Dir" & " " & String$(16, "*")    ' Fill with "*".
    Print #intOutFileNumber, tmpStr
    Print #intOutFileNumber,    ' Print blank line to file.
    ' ***** Repeated output line(s) or paragraph(s) start *****
    ' *
    For IntValue = StartLbound To EndUbound Step 1
        ' Write the sorted Array line(s) back to line(s) in the text file.
        tmpFileNameStr = CStr(TextLineDynamicArrayList(IntValue))
        Print #intOutFileNumber, tmpFileNameStr
    Next IntValue
    ' *
    ' ***** Repeated output line(s) or paragraph(s) end *****
    'Print #intOutFileNumber,    ' Print blank line to file.
    Close #intOutFileNumber

    doPrintDir = True

    Exit Function

    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_doPrintDir

End Function

Public Function FileExists(sPath As String) As Boolean
    If Dir(sPath) > "" Then
        FileExists = True
        FileExists = False
    End If
End Function

'Public Function doBubbleSortMyList(ByVal SortList(), bDoSortListItems As Boolean, sUseSortOrder As String, bUseStandardSortAlgorithm As Boolean)
Public Function doBubbleSortMyList(ByRef SortList As Variant, bDoSortListItems As Boolean, sUseSortOrder As String, bUseStandardSortAlgorithm As Boolean)
On Error GoTo Err_doBubbleSortMyList
    ' Bubble Sort My List.
    ' This function assumes it's passed an Array or a Dynamic Array,
    ' and bubble sorts the list elements in the passed array, which
    ' is returned as an 'Array'.

    ' Bubble Sort.
    ' The array-oriented sort routine bubble sort greatest virtue
    ' is its simplicity. It is very fast on nearly sorted items, but
    ' its general performance is relatively poor. The bubble sort
    ' algorithm is very simple: successive sweeps are made through
    ' the items to be sorted, and on each sweep the largest item is
    ' moved closer to the top, rising slowly like a bubble - hence
    ' the name. Because each sweep places one item into its final
    ' and correct position, the next sweep need not re-examine this
    ' item. For the sorting of the items is used an array of 'n'
    ' items. An analysis of the order of this algorithm is
    ' straightforward: it makes 'n' passes through the items, and
    ' on each pass it performs 'n'-1 comparisons and possibly this
    ' number of swaps. Thus, the algorithm's running time will be
    ' proportional to 'n'('n'-1), or more simply just 'n'2. The code
    ' takes advantage of the fact that if no swaps are made on any
    ' given pass, the items are sorted and the sort can terminate.
    ' Note that if an array's items (elements) are in text string
    ' variables and all consist of integer numbers or floating-point
    ' numbers you can with advantage use the built-in function
    ' 'CInt()', CLng()' or 'CDbl()' to parse the string arguments
    ' to the appropriate number type variables from the array before
    ' a sort comparison is performed - otherwise the sort order of
    ' the numbers will not be correct.
    ' Note: All parameters (variables) passed to this function must
    '   be valid - no error checking is performed.
    ' SortList(): Array to sort - Note: Variable passed must be a
    '   valid array object whose property ('length') contains the
    '   number of items (elements) in the 'dense' array, which is
    '   one in which each item (element) has an integer value. Base
    '   must be an integer with a value of '0' (default; zero-based index)
    '   or '1' (index base 1).
    ' startingIndexBaseInteger: The 'dense' array's starting index - Integer
    '   with a value of '0' (default; zero-based index) or '1' (index base 1).
    ' sortDirectionString: The direction of the sort - String
    '   ('Ascending' [A-Z, zero to 9] (default) or 'Descending' [Z-A, 9 to zero]).
    ' Define variables.
    Dim IntValue As Long
    Dim IntIntValue As Long
    Dim startingIndexBaseInteger As Integer
    Dim sortDirectionString As String
    Dim SortOrder As String
    Dim StartLbound As Long
    Dim EndUbound As Long
    Dim swapped As Boolean
    Dim tmpStr As String    ' Temporary text.

    'If IsNull(SortList()) = True Then
    If IsNull(SortList) = True Then
        'doBubbleSortMyList = SortList()
        Exit Function
    End If
    If bDoSortListItems = False Then
        'doBubbleSortMyList = SortList()
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Initialize variables.
    startingIndexBaseInteger = 0    ' default; zero-based index. Note: This function uses the default value.
    'StartLbound = LBound(SortList())
    StartLbound = LBound(SortList)
    'EndUbound = UBound(SortList())
    EndUbound = UBound(SortList)
    swapped = False    ' Stores state for if a swap is made - Boolean value.
    tmpStr = ""    ' Temporary text.

    If EndUbound < 1 Then
        ' Make sure there is at least two items (elements) in the array - otherwise
        ' return the passed variable (array object) unprocessed - no sorting necessary.
        'doBubbleSortMyList = SortList()
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Make sure of the variable value if 'nothing' is the contents of the input or
    ' it is not an integer with a value of '0' (default; zero-based index) or
    ' '1' (index base 1) - otherwise use the default value.
    If IsNumeric(startingIndexBaseInteger) = True Then
        startingIndexBaseInteger = CInt(startingIndexBaseInteger)    ' Force string to a number.
        startingIndexBaseInteger = 0
    End If
    If startingIndexBaseInteger <> 0 And startingIndexBaseInteger <> 1 Then
        startingIndexBaseInteger = 0    ' Default value (zero-based index).
    End If
    If IsNull(sUseSortOrder) = True Then
        sortDirectionString = ""
        sortDirectionString = sUseSortOrder
    End If
    ' Sort order selected by the value of 'sortDirectionString' specifying the sort criteria.
    ' [Danish] Sorteringsraekkefoelge valgt ved vaerdien af 'sortDirectionString' bestemmende sorteringskriteriet.
    If LCase(sortDirectionString) = LCase("Ascending") Or LCase(sortDirectionString) = LCase("Stigende") Then
        ' Sort criteria: 'Sort Ascending [A-Z, zero to 9]' (Ascending).
        ' [Danish] Sorteringskriterie: Sorter stigende [A-Z, nul til 9] (Stigende).
        SortOrder = "Ascending"
    ElseIf LCase(sortDirectionString) = LCase("Descending") Or LCase(sortDirectionString) = LCase("Faldende") Then
        ' Sort criteria: 'Sort Descending [Z-A, 9 to zero]' (Descending).
        ' [Danish] Sorteringskriterie: Sorter faldende [Z-A, 9 til nul] (Faldende).
        SortOrder = "Descending"
        ' In all other cases chose the default setting [Default: Ascending].
        ' [Danish] I alle andre tilfaelde vaelg standard indstilling [Standard: Stigende].
        SortOrder = "Ascending"
    End If
    ' Sort array items (elements) - only if there is more than one item (element) in the array.
    ' The 'dense' array's property ('UBound()') contains the number of items (elements) in
    ' the array, which must be starting with index 0 (zero-based index) or 1 (index base 1).
    ' Perform the actual sort of the items (elements) in the array based on the value
    ' of the variable 'SortOrder' (string).
    If SortOrder = "Ascending" Then
        ' Sort Ascending [A-Z, zero to 9] (default).
        ' Bubble sort an array - Ascending.
        If bUseStandardSortAlgorithm = True Then
            ' Use Standard Sort Algorithm.
            swapped = False    ' Stores state for if a swap is made - Boolean value.
            ' Make steadily shorter passes...
            For IntValue = EndUbound To StartLbound Step -1    ' Start the loop.
                ' On each pass, sweep *largest* element to end of array.
                swapped = False    ' Not done sort swap.
                For IntIntValue = StartLbound To (EndUbound - 1) Step 1
                    If SortList(IntIntValue) > SortList(IntIntValue + 1) Then
                        tmpStr = SortList(IntIntValue)
                        SortList(IntIntValue) = SortList(IntIntValue + 1)
                        SortList(IntIntValue + 1) = tmpStr
                        swapped = True    ' Done sort swap.
                    End If
                Next IntIntValue
                If swapped = False Then
                    Exit For    ' If no swaps, we have finished.
                End If
            Next IntValue
            ' Use Customized Sort Algorithm.
            swapped = False    ' Stores state for if a swap is made - Boolean value.
            ' Make steadily shorter passes...
            For IntValue = EndUbound To StartLbound Step -1    ' Start the loop.
                ' On each pass, sweep *largest* element to end of array.
                swapped = False    ' Not done sort swap.
                For IntIntValue = StartLbound To (EndUbound - 1) Step 1
                    If LCase(SortList(IntIntValue)) > LCase(SortList(IntIntValue + 1)) Then
                        tmpStr = SortList(IntIntValue)
                        SortList(IntIntValue) = SortList(IntIntValue + 1)
                        SortList(IntIntValue + 1) = tmpStr
                        swapped = True    ' Done sort swap.
                    End If
                Next IntIntValue
                If swapped = False Then
                    Exit For    ' If no swaps, we have finished.
                End If
            Next IntValue
        End If
    ElseIf SortOrder = "Descending" Then
        ' Sort Descending [Z-A, 9 to zero].
        ' Bubble sort an array - Descending.
        If bUseStandardSortAlgorithm = True Then
            ' Use Standard Sort Algorithm.
            swapped = False    ' Stores state for if a swap is made - Boolean value.
            ' Make steadily shorter passes...
            For IntValue = EndUbound To StartLbound Step -1    ' Start the loop.
                ' On each pass, sweep *largest* element to end of array.
                swapped = False    ' Not done sort swap.
                For IntIntValue = StartLbound To (EndUbound - 1) Step 1
                    If SortList(IntIntValue) < SortList(IntIntValue + 1) Then
                        tmpStr = SortList(IntIntValue)
                        SortList(IntIntValue) = SortList(IntIntValue + 1)
                        SortList(IntIntValue + 1) = tmpStr
                        swapped = True    ' Done sort swap.
                    End If
                Next IntIntValue
                If swapped = False Then
                    Exit For    ' If no swaps, we have finished.
                End If
            Next IntValue
            ' Use Customized Sort Algorithm.
            swapped = False    ' Stores state for if a swap is made - Boolean value.
            ' Make steadily shorter passes...
            For IntValue = EndUbound To StartLbound Step -1    ' Start the loop.
                ' On each pass, sweep *largest* element to end of array.
                swapped = False    ' Not done sort swap.
                For IntIntValue = StartLbound To (EndUbound - 1) Step 1
                    If LCase(SortList(IntIntValue)) < LCase(SortList(IntIntValue + 1)) Then
                        tmpStr = SortList(IntIntValue)
                        SortList(IntIntValue) = SortList(IntIntValue + 1)
                        SortList(IntIntValue + 1) = tmpStr
                        swapped = True    ' Done sort swap.
                    End If
                Next IntIntValue
                If swapped = False Then
                    Exit For    ' If no swaps, we have finished.
                End If
            Next IntValue
        End If
    ' Do nothing.
    'MsgBox("Do nothing.", (0 + 64), "Info") ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
    'MsgBox prompt:="Do nothing.", _
    Title:="Info", buttons:=vbInformation + vbOKOnly ' Only for the purpose of debugging.
    End If

    'doBubbleSortMyList = SortList()

    Exit Function

    'MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & Chr$(13) & _
    '"In line: " & Erl & "." & Chr$(13) , (0 + 16), "Error / Fejl"
    MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_doBubbleSortMyList

End Function

Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.

1 Implementation: (How to use:) /
1 Implementering: (Sådan bruger du:)

Word: / Word:

  1. Open a new Word Document /
    Åben et nyt Word Dokument
  2. Copy the code above /
    Kopier koden ovenfor
  3. Press Alt+F11 to open the 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)' /
    Tryk Alt+F11 for at åbne 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)'
  4. Select INSERT > (general) MODULE from the menubar /
    Vælg INDSÆT > (generelt) MODUL fra menulinien
  5. Paste code into the right (top) panel /
    Indsæt kode i det højre (top) panel

or... / eller...

Excel: / Excel:

  1. Open a new Excel Workbook /
    Åben en ny Excel Arbejdsbog
  2. Copy the code above /
    Kopier koden ovenfor
  3. Press Alt+F11 to open the 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)' /
    Tryk Alt+F11 for at åbne 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)'
  4. Select INSERT > (general) MODULE from the menubar /
    Vælg INDSÆT > (generelt) MODUL fra menulinien
  5. Paste code into the right (top) panel /
    Indsæt kode i det højre (top) panel

MsgBox prompt:="Print Dir succeeded: " & doPrintDir("C:\Temp\*", "C:\wizard\PrintDir.txt", True) & ".", _
Title:="Info", buttons:=vbInformation + vbOKOnly

Conventions used for: Source code syntax highlighting. / Regler brugt til: Kildekode syntaks fremhævning.

2 Implementation: (How to use:) /
2 Implementering: (Sådan bruger du:)

Word: / Word:

  1. Copy the code above /
    Kopier koden ovenfor
  2. Go to the 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)' /
    Gå til 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)'
  3. Paste code into the right (bottom) panel i. e. in the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) /
    Indsæt kode i det højre (bund) panel dvs. i Øjeblikkelig vinduet (Ctrl+G)
  4. Make the necessary changes in the function's parameter(s) /
    Lav de nødvendige ændringer i funktionens parameter(re)
  5. Position the cursor in the code and press Enter /
    Placer markøren i koden og tryk Enter
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you are finished /
    Gentag trin 4 og 5 indtil du er færdig
  7. Press Alt+Q to return to Word /
    Tryk Alt+Q for at returnere til Word
  8. When finished do not save the document /
    Når færdig gem ikke dokumentet

or... / eller...

Excel: / Excel:

  1. Copy the code above /
    Kopier koden ovenfor
  2. Go to the 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)' /
    Gå til 'Visual Basic Editor (VBE)'
  3. Paste code into the right (bottom) panel i. e. in the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) /
    Indsæt kode i det højre (bund) panel dvs. i Øjeblikkelig vinduet (Ctrl+G)
  4. Make the necessary changes in the function's parameter(s) /
    Lav de nødvendige ændringer i funktionens parameter(re)
  5. Position the cursor in the code and press Enter /
    Placer markøren i koden og tryk Enter
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you are finished /
    Gentag trin 4 og 5 indtil du er færdig
  7. Press Alt+Q to return to Excel /
    Tryk Alt+Q for at returnere til Excel
  8. When finished do not save the workbook /
    Når færdig gem ikke arbejdsbogen

(Geometric Shapes) Source code snippetsSource code snippets / Kildekode småstykker

- often included as functions for use in modules with program code, macros, and scripts etcetera. / - mange gange inkluderet som funktioner til brug i moduler med programkode, makroer og scripts og så videre.

The code might need some minor tweaks to run in your application. / Koden kan behøve nogle mindre ændringer for at kunne afvikles i dit anvendelsesområde.

Warning / Advarsel Licence: Free to use, but please share improvements. No warranty - use at own risk. /
Warning / Advarsel Licens: Fri brug, men del venligst forbedringer. Ingen garanti - brug på eget ansvar.

Warning: Don't run the script files without reading them first!
Total absence of any guarantee, warranty, or responsibility for script files, the script(s), the files they may produce, or the effects the script(s) or script-produced files may have. The script(s) is, after all, plain text. The burden is on the person using the script(s) to examine the script source code and determine whether or not a script is usable and safe. Operating systems and browsers are constantly changing. What works today may not work tomorrow!

Advarsel: Kør ikke script-filerne uden at læse dem først!
Totalt fravær af nogen form for garanti, garanti eller ansvar for script-filer, scriptet(scriptene), de filer, de kan producere eller de virkninger, scriptet(scriptene) eller scriptproducerede filer kan have. Scriptet(Scriptene) er, trods alt, almindelig tekst. Byrden er på brugeren af scriptet(scriptene) til at undersøge script kildekoden og afgøre, hvorvidt et script er brugbart og sikkert. Operativsystemer og browsere er under konstant forandring. Hvad fungerer i dag, fungerer muligvis ikke i morgen!

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