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Microwave power fluctuates from 450 to 1000 watt. / Mikrobølge-effekten varierer fra 450 til 1000 watt.
The higher the power is, the faster the food cooks. / Jo højere effekten er, jo hurtigere tilberedes maden.
Be therefore aware of which power the recipe is calculated for. / Vær derfor opmærksom på, hvilken effekt opskriften er beregnet til.
Time stated in the table is rounded to nearest five seconds interval. / Tid angivet i tabellen er afrundet til nærmeste fem sekunders interval.
Time information is formatted as: hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds). / Tid information er formatteret som: tt:mm:ss (timer:minutter:sekunder).
1000 watt | 850 watt | 750 watt | 650 watt | 550 watt | 450 watt |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
hh:mm:ss / tt:mm:ss |
00:00:40 | 00:00:45 | 00:00:50 | 00:01:00 | 00:01:10 | 00:01:25 |
00:01:20 | 00:01:30 | 00:01:45 | 00:02:00 | 00:02:20 | 00:02:55 |
00:01:55 | 00:02:15 | 00:02:35 | 00:03:00 | 00:03:30 | 00:04:20 |
00:02:35 | 00:03:05 | 00:03:30 | 00:04:00 | 00:04:45 | 00:05:45 |
00:03:15 | 00:03:50 | 00:04:20 | 00:05:00 | 00:05:55 | 00:07:15 |
00:03:55 | 00:04:35 | 00:05:10 | 00:06:00 | 00:07:05 | 00:08:40 |
00:04:35 | 00:05:20 | 00:06:05 | 00:07:00 | 00:08:15 | 00:10:05 |
00:05:10 | 00:06:05 | 00:06:55 | 00:08:00 | 00:09:25 | 00:11:35 |
00:05:50 | 00:06:50 | 00:07:50 | 00:09:00 | 00:10:40 | 00:13:00 |
00:06:30 | 00:07:40 | 00:08:40 | 00:10:00 | 00:11:50 | 00:14:25 |
00:09:45 | 00:11:30 | 00:13:00 | 00:15:00 | 00:17:45 | 00:21:40 |
00:13:00 | 00:15:15 | 00:17:20 | 00:20:00 | 00:23:40 | 00:28:55 |
If the microwave power of your microwave oven is not in the table you must instead use this formula: / Hvis mikrobølge-effekten på din mikroovn ikke er med i tabellen, skal du i stedet bruge denne formel: